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The Settlement of the American Colonies.

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Presentation on theme: "The Settlement of the American Colonies."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Settlement of the American Colonies

2 English Migration:

3 Jamestown Settlement, 1609

4 Jamestown Housing

5 Jamestown Settlement

6 Jamestown Chapel, 1611

7 Geographic/environmental problems??
Chesapeake Bay Geographic/environmental problems??

8 Jamestown Fort & Settlement Map

9 Jamestown Fort & Settlement (Computer Generated)

10 Jamestown Joint-Stock Company – A way for English citizens to gain profit off of land in the new world. New world was rich in the resources that England needed for industries.

11 Tobacco Plant Virginia’s gold and silver John Rolfe, 1612

12 English Tobacco Label

13 Why did tobacco prices decline so precipitously?

14 Puritans looking for religious freedom.
Plymouth Colony Puritans looking for religious freedom. Community produces and succeeds together. All actions for God.

15 We shall be as a city on a hill..
John Winthrop We shall be as a city on a hill..

16 Overpopulation & Conquest
England needed the land to lessen the masses of people residing in the country. England wanted to be the first to set up colonies and profit off of the resources.

17 Compare and Contrast differences between Jamestown and Plymouth colonies

18 Indentured Servitude Headright System

19 Indentured Servitude Headright System: Each Virginian got 50 acres for each person whose passage they paid Indenture Contract: 5-7 years. Forbidden to marry. Promised “freedom dues” [land, $] : only 1 in 10 outlived their indentured contracts!

20 Smith’s Portrayal of Native Americans

21 Pocahontas A 1616 engraving

22 Powhatan Confederacy Where is most of the Powhatan territory located? How could this cause a problem?

23 Powhatan Uprising of 1622

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