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What does ‘clever’ mean?

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Presentation on theme: "What does ‘clever’ mean?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What does ‘clever’ mean?
Working towards a growth mind set!

2 Clever is: Skilled at achieving things.
Imaginative, creative or artistic. Funny and amusing. Mentally quick.

3 Secrets of Success Try new things Work hard Push yourself Imagine
Concentrate Understand others Don’t give up Improve

4 How does the brain work?

5 Did you know? The human brain...
is like a really powerful computer that stores information and memories controls how we think, feel, react and move contains billions of nerve cells that send and receive information around the body (at more than 150 miles/hour!) generate enough electricity to power a light bulb!

6 But the most exciting bit:
The brain is a muscle ...and just like any other muscle, it can be strengthened! Process called plasticity (Does that mean our brains are made of plastic? No! Of course not!)

7 What is plasticity? Our brain networks do not become fixed, they keep changing all the time Learning new information and practice causes changes in the brain

8 Learning to walk Seems impossible to start with
But soon you master it. How? As you practice, your brain sends “walking” messages along certain nerves in the brain over and over This forms new connections and it starts to get easier! This happens a lot when we are younger – babies and toddlers are learning new things all the time


10 So, what does this show us?
Our brains continue to grow and adapt as we learn new information YOU can help strengthen your brain through learning and practice You just need to remember that you CAN do it, you just need to BELIEVE in yourselves and NOT GIVE UP!

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