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Parent at your child’s school

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1 Parent at your child’s school
Building an Eco-map Child 1. HEAR THE DEFINITION Sister Friend You Parent at your child’s school Friend 2. BUILD YOUR OWN ECO-MAP Co-worker PAUSE with only the title on screen if you will be completing the eco-map activity [CLICK through animation if you will not be completing the eco-map activity] STATE: An eco-map is a commonly used tool for mapping social relationships. Like the one shown here, an eco-map a simple visual representation that shows all of the systems at play in an individual’s or family’s life. The eco-map also provides a picture of the important nurturing or conflict-laden connections between the family and the world; demonstrates the flow of resources, or lacks and deprivations; and highlights points of conflict to be mediated, bridges to be built and resources to be explored. Optional ACTIVITY 2: Using an eco-map to understand social relationships [CLICK through animation as you go through the activity] Spouse Co-worker

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