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Coast Guard and the Financial Statement Audit

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1 Coast Guard and the Financial Statement Audit
March 9, 2006

2 CG and the Financial Statement Audit Agenda
What are the financial statements? Financial Statement Assertions Where we are today? Systemic Problems FY06 Audit Way ahead

3 CG and the Financial Statement Audit What are the financial statements?
Balance Sheet Shows basic relationships Asset = Liabilities + Equities as of a point in time Proprietary Only Statement of Net Costs Private sector income statement Total revenues – Expenditures = Net Costs Summarizes activity through a period of time Statement of Changes in Net Position Ties the net cost figure to the equities line on the balance sheet Rolls forward the net position from one year to the next using activity throughout the year from the statement of net cost

4 CG and the Financial Statement Audit What are the financial statements?
Statement of Budgetary Resources SF-133 Top 3rd shows all your resources Middle 3rd shows how your resources are being used (obligated vs. unobligated) Bottom 3rd shows outlays Shows activity throughout the year and at a point in time Budgetary accounts only Statement of Financing Most difficult of all the financial statements Ties the budgetary numbers from the Statement of Budgetary Resources back to the net cost figure on the Statement of Net Cost Budgetary to proprietary reconciliation

5 CG and the Financial Statement Audit Financial Reporting Assertions
Presentation and Disclosure Existence or Occurrence Rights and Obligations Completeness and Accuracy Valuation and Allocation Assertions apply to line items on the financial statements that map back to our processes

6 CG and the Financial Statement Audit Assertion Examples
Construction in Process Accounts Receivable Funds Control PP&E OM&S

7 DHS Financial Accountability Act
CG and the Financial Statement Audit Our Financial World Sarbanes-Oxley Act DHS Financial Accountability Act Coast Guard Financial Reporting Processes Systems FMFIA Revised A-123 Federal Managers Financial Integrity Act (FMFIA) (1982) Requires head of executive agency to establish & maintain system of internal controls Requires annual reporting Sarbanes-Oxley Act Public Company Financial Reporting Credibility questioned in late 2001 SOX Act addresses internal controls over financial reporting. Requires: Evidence based Assertions Disclosure Controls Criminal Statutes A-123 OMB implementing guidance issued under authority of FMFIA. Standards for IC over FR. Arbitrary before Now parallel with audit standards Requires 1) new annual assurance statement on internal controls over financial reporting. 2) The circular does not require a separate audit opinion on the internal controls over financial reporting. However, OMB may require an internal control audit opinion at its option if the agency cannot meet deadlines in its approved corrective action plan (DHS’s CAP). 3) Provides specific methodology for management’s assessment of internal control over financial reporting. 4) Requires management’s direct conclusion about the effectiveness of the overall design and operation of internal control over financial reporting. 5) Requires substantial documentation to support management’s conclusion. DHS FAA Recently Signed. Requires: Mandatory compliance with CFO Act DHS written assertion on internal controls in 2005 GAO to study cost/benefit of requiring audit opinion on internal controls DHS audit opinion of internal controls over financial reporting, effective FY 06 DHS forming Internal Controls working committee Auditor Focus – IC is core problem with audit results. Desire to conduct an internal control based audit. SOX environment making auditors more risk adverse and more independent. Commercial Auditor Focus on internal controls

8 CG and the Financial Statement Audit Audit History
1990 CFO Act passed years to build USCG builds toward a clean audit 1999 – Feb 2003 Under DOT No material weaknesses or reportable conditions Mar 2003 – Present Rebuilding Move to DHS CG causes qualifications, material weaknesses, & reportable conditions 2006 Additional Audit Opinion on Internal Controls 2003 was

9 CG and the Financial Statement Audit Our Financial World
DHS received a disclaimer on the FY05 Financial Statements (Balance Sheet only) Coast Guard was a major contributor to 10 material weaknesses and 1 reportable condition Financial Management Financial Reporting Financial Systems Fund Balance with Treasury Plant Property and Equipment Operating Materials and Supplies Undelivered Orders, Accounts and Grants Payable and Disbursements Actuarial Liabilities Budgetary Accounting Intragovernmental and Intradepartmental Balances Environmental Liabilities (reportable condition) KPMG Audit Report at: In early FY-06 we received $20 million to remediate the audit findings $12 million will be spent on OM&S The remaining funds will be spent on the remaining MW with the focus on strengthening our backbone and completing the integration of our systems such as tearing down the multiple GLs The CG had a very difficult time believing they were not as good as they thought they were. Diffiicult transition period from FY03 to FY04.

10 Coast Guard Audit Dashboard
Due Status Progress Program As of 21 Feb 2006 (Note 1) Financial Management Oversight Financial Reporting Financial Systems (Note 2) Funds Balance w/Treasury Actuarial Liability OM&S (Note 3) PP&E Undelivered Orders & Accounts Payable Budgetary Accounting Intra-governmental Balances Environmental Liabilities FY07 All FINCEN CG-8 CG-1 CG-4 FY07 FY07 FY06 FY06 FY07 FY07 FY07 All FY07 CG-8 FY07 CG-8 FY06 CG-4 /1: Indicates areas that have a complete plan, which is results focused to achieve success listed in the Coast Guard’s strategic remediation plan Indicates that the plan is being successfully implemented Indicates that a sufficient plan has not been provided or that the program is not achieving the plan. Arrows mark relative improvement since last report, regardless of whether or not progress has resulted in a change in dashboard color. /2 CG-841 provided a plan with system requirements totaling $23.1M. The requirements of the plan need to be further reviewed, approved, and scaled down to reflect only those items deemed essential for audit success by FY07. /3 66 of 650 field units complete. $46M excess removed to ICPs.

11 CG and the Financial Statement Audit Systemic Problems
Inadequate/incomplete policy and procedures Poor data integrity Multiple Processes/Systems/Decentralized Oversight program/Accountability Competency All of the above must be corrected for the CG to move forward with audit remediation, internal controls, improved efficient/effective financial processes.

12 Financial Systems/Processes and Infrastructure
Material Weakness Inadequate Policy Data Integrity Multiple Processes/De-centralized Oversight/ Accountability Competency Financial Management Oversight X Financial Reporting & Intragovernmental Financial Systems Funds Balance with Treasury

13 Programmatic Material Weaknesses
Inadequate Policy Data Integrity Multiple Processes/De-centralized Oversight/ Accountability Competency Actuarial Liabilities X OM&S PP&E UDO’s & A/Payable Budgetary Accounting Envrionmental Liabilities

14 CG and the Financial Statement Audit FY06 Audit
Held informal meetings with auditors and process owners In process of developing audit plan/schedule Formal kickoff scheduled for Mid March Balance sheet only audit Some internal control work will be involved

15 CG and the Financial Statement Audit Way Ahead
Establish Accountability at all levels Cold Fusion Program, World Prosperity Program, Child Prodigy Program Complete integration of financial systems Establish financial management competency Completing Planning-Formulating-Execution-Reporting Cycle Internal Control Program Process improvement Program Level CFOs vs Resource or Budget Directors Solicit input from the field In many cases as we address audit issues, we are also improving our processes and customer service

16 CG and the Financial Statement Audit Closing
On the road to success Although the path maybe longer than we think Manage Expectations We will continue to uncover issues Field plays a role in identifying and communicating problems before the auditors find them Apply the financial reporting assertions to the activities that you perform New way to look at our world of work We will be a better organization as a result of the audit and our remediation activities

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