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Australian Journalism Standards

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1 Australian Journalism Standards


3 Background to the project:
$120,000 Australian Government grant to explore the extent to which Australian media organisations as the major employers of our graduates understand: (1) what it is that universities teach in their journalism programs; and (2) The differences between the various programs on offer. As part of our study we interviewed a range of senior editors and journalists (those responsible for employing graduates), as well as a number of senior journalism educators (those primarily responsible for designing and/or managing the journalism degree programs).

4 The Results: That key industry people had little knowledge or understanding of what was being taught at the various universities; That journalism educators had a reasonably strong understanding of their own programs, but little understanding of what the competitors were teaching; That there was a wide disparity between offerings, both in terms of the number of subjects taught, and the content of individual subjects; and Despite this, all programs claimed to provide graduates with the skills required to enter Journalism ‘job-ready’.





9 Contact details. Via the website: or Professor Stephen Tanner, School of The Arts, English and Media, Faculty of Law, Humanities and the Arts, Wollongong University.

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