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Learning Hub 2014-2015 Challenge.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Hub 2014-2015 Challenge."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Hub Challenge

2 Learning Hub dates Autumn Term Spring term Summer Term 11/9/14 6/11/14
15/1/15 26/2/15 Summer Term 23/4/15 4/6/14

3 Update on challenge/ GM
What did you try? Process praise Growth mind set language Anything else? What went well? What didn’t? Any other outcomes?

4 Student mindset In the process of completing final questionnaire
Issues with students completing Currently investigating alternative ways to complete survey

5 Staff mind-set Staff mind-set has been measured
Staff have received some information about growth mind-set delivered on inset days in September and before the summer by DBR We need to focus on convincing all staff that a growth mindset approach can work within our school

6 Hub objectives / development plan
Create a set of IOWs to roll out Spring Half Term 1. Design Learning Journal for students. Week 1 – Motivation/Inspiration, Week 2 – Aspiration, Week 3 – Resilience, Week 4 – Self esteem, Week 5 – Mindset Determine key traits of growth mindset and identify opportunities to encourage these in different subjects areas. Encourage the use of GM language across the school – posters to be displayed in all classrooms (discussed the possibility of a GM display in all classrooms) Look at possible opportunities for GM displays in subjects areas and in corridors around the school Investigate the possibility of a challenge day dedicated to GM (to go ahead in the summer term) Share with students growth mindset scores (Create an info PPT about GM for tutors to use and share score with students) Create an information leaflet/PPT for staff about growth mindset

7 Half-term focus ATE to meet with DBR to discuss progress
Continue to use The power of ‘YET’ – using growth mind-set language. Trial displays in classrooms Process praise – trial with one class ATE to feedback results of student questionnaire All members to choose a class to track against growth mind-set (to start term 2) Research ways to involves parents and the wider community (e.g. feeder primary schools)

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