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New Faculty Orientation August 21, 2018

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Presentation on theme: "New Faculty Orientation August 21, 2018"— Presentation transcript:

1 New Faculty Orientation August 21, 2018
Kevin West, Senior Director, Faculty Labor Relations and Academic Inclusion Officer Kevin West and Marcia King-Blandford

2 Meet Our Staff Kevin West, Senior Director
Mary Morrison, Data Management Specialist Stacy Latta, Investigative Specialist Sabrinne Gibson, Intern

3 Faculty Labor Relations
The Office of Faculty Labor Relations and Academic Inclusion staff work closely with UT Human Resources, the Provost's Office, and the Deans of each College to resolve issues that affect faculty members.

4 Faculty Labor Relations
The Office of Faculty Labor Relations is a resource for new faculty. We help new faculty resolve issues related to your success and acclimation to the University.

5 Academic Inclusion Office
“The University of Toledo's commitment to diversity must be infused into every action we take. It is represented in our words as well as our actions and decisions at all levels of the University. From the faculty, staff and students we recruit to ensuring our retention and graduation rates demonstrate equal opportunities of success for all, we must come together as an institution to continue to move this critical priority forward. I ask for your help, input and steadfast commitment to equality as we proactively work to strengthen diversity at UT." - President Sharon L. Gaber, message to the UT community, November 13, 2015

6 Objectives Mission Values Definition of Diversity
Discrimination, Preference or Prejudice Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance Title IX Compliance Practical Application

7 Mission The University of Toledo is a national, public research university where students obtain a world-class education and become part of a diverse community of leaders committed to improving the human condition in the region and the world.

8 Values Excellence Student-centeredness Research and Scholarship
Professionalism and Leadership Diversity

9 The Definition of Diversity
In promoting diversity, the University pledges to respect and value personal uniqueness and differences; to attract and retain diverse faculty, staff and students; to challenge stereotypes; and to promote sensitivity and inclusion

10 The Definition of Diversity
The University understands the value that a diverse student body, faculty, staff, and administration bring to its educational environment, the metropolitan community and beyond. The University takes seriously its commitment to diversity as expressed in the Mission Statement, the Strategic Plan, and the Diversity Plan.

11 Discrimination, Preference or Prejudice
Race Color Religion National Origin Sex Age Sexual Orientation Gender Identity and Expression Veteran Status Presence of a Disability Familial Status Political Affiliation Protected Activities

12 Compliance Topics Americans with Disabilities Act Title IX
A law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in various areas, including education Title IX A law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded education program or activity Discrimination, Harassment, Non-Retaliation University Policy pertaining to these issues and the expectations of faculty Faculty Code of Conduct University expectations as to how faculty members treat students, faculty, staff, and other members of the University community


14 Scenario A student in your class approaches you, stating that they need new accommodations for the remainder of the term. They ask for modified testing schedules, they ask for your course notes and they ask to take the final exam in the testing center two weeks after finals. How do you respond?


16 New Faculty Orientation 2016
Scenario August 16, 2016 A student comes to your office, visibly distressed, and states that they need to talk to someone. They ask if they can close the door as they do not want anyone to overhear. The student also asks if you will agree to keep what they tell you in confidence. What do you say? Kevin West and Marcia King-Blandford

17 Scenario The student then proceeds to tell you about events that took place at an off campus party last weekend. What do you do?

18 New Faculty Orientation 2016
Scenario August 16, 2016 A student who is currently enrolled in your course asks to be your Facebook friend. Do you accept the request? Kevin West and Marcia King-Blandford

19 Scenario A week later, you see the same student at a local pub, they approach your table and present you with an adult beverage. How do you respond?

20 Scenario The following week, the student instant messages you – photos from their modeling shoot. How do you respond?

21 New Faculty Orientation 2016
Scenario August 16, 2016 A non-traditional female student visits your office during your posted office hours. While she is there, she tells you that the other students refer to her as “the old lady” and exclude her from the study groups that you set up the first week of class. Should you intervene? Kevin West and Marcia King-Blandford

22 New Faculty Orientation 2016
August 16, 2016 Questions? or Kevin West and Marcia King-Blandford

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