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Information by policy users 1/26

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1 Information by policy users 1/26
Latest developments influencing the policy request for statistics

2 Information by policy users 2/26
Structure of presentation New Indicators on Education and Training Work programme of the CRELL at the JRC in ISPRA Papers in the pipeline New organisation of DG EAC

3 Joint Interim Report. 3/26. February 2004
Joint Interim Report / February “Education and training 2010:” the success of the Lisbon strategy hinges on urgent reforms “…the work carried out to date has pinpointed the key areas for which there is a lack of relevant and comparable data for monitoring progress in relation to the objectives set. The quality and comparability of the existing indicators need to be improved, particularly in the field of lifelong learning, and regularly reviewed.”  Consequently, the Commission was requested to propose, by the end of 2004, a limited list of new indicators for development.

4 Priority areas for new indicators 4/26
Specified in the Joint Interim Report: Key competencies, especially learning-to-learn Investment efficiency ICT Mobility Adult education Vocational education and training Additional areas of importance: 7. Languages (Barcelona Council, 2002) 8. Professional development of teachers and trainers (Joint Interim Report, Feb 2004) 9. Social inclusion and active citizenship (Laeken Council, 2001)

5 Time-frame of proposed activities 5/26
Short-term (< 1 year) Medium-term (1-3 years) Long-term (>3 years) Priority will be given to using data sets already available on international level. Modification of existing survey vehicles. Processing of existing national data on international level. Launching of pilot projects. Preparation of new surveys. Generation of data via new surveys.

6 1. Key competencies 6/26 Indicator availability
Native language Foreign languages Mathematical literacy Science and technology ICT Social and civic competence Entrepreneurship Cultural awareness Working Group B Indicator availability Development of common European indicator on learning-to-learn by STIB. Action for new indicators Short term Pilot project on learning-to-learn (2005). Medium term Evaluation in 2006 of pilot project. Long term Possible Europe-wide survey on learning-to-learn skills Learning-to-learn

7 2. Investment efficiency 7/26
Medium term New indicators: - Dropout rates in tertiary education - Average duration of studies Study on enterprise spending via CVTS. Long term Development of indicator on private expenditure based on Commission study and third CVTS (2006). New efficiency indicators in VET based on third CVTS. Indicator Availability Current indicators are input-related and do not address the aspect of efficiency. Action for new indicators Short term New indicator: - Cost per graduate Commission study on private household spending on education & training (2005). Short-term These indicators either compare a standard input (start of a study) to variable outputs (completion/dropout rates) or a standard output (graduate) to a variable input (duration, costs of studies). Medium term These data sets must therefore be included in the medium term in the Eurostat education data collection. Efforts are required on the part of member states to improve the availability and quality of these data sets, which could be obtained to a large extent from administrative sources.

8 3. ICT 8/26 Indicator availability Action for new indicators
Medium term Analysis of surveys currently being developed: Adult Education Survey (Eurostat). Final version foreseen early 2005. Survey on household use of ICT, esp. for educational purposes (Eurostat). SITES Members are requested to register interest to IEA by Dec 2004. Long term Development of indicators to identify impact of ICT in E&T. Indicator availability Current indicators suffer from over-emphasis on infra-structure at the expense of capacity to use.  Indicators should focus on learning outcomes of ICT use. Action for new indicators Short term Use of data from PISA 2003, PIRLS 2001, ICT Household Survey (Eurostat). E-learning survey of headteachers & teachers (early 2005) (DG INFSO).

9 4. Mobility /26 Action for new indicators Short term Study on mobility, 2005. Medium term Contribution to 2005 revision of UOE data collection to allow identification of mobile students on basis of permanent residency. Data available 2006. Long term Specific surveys on mobile students may be launched, possibly also within VET. Indicator availability Data on mobility outside established programmes problematic. UOE data based on citizenship, which is not the same as mobility. No annual intl. publication on mobile students. Data needs - Mobility within EU - Mobility to and from EU

10 5. Adult Education /26 Indicator availability Severe lack of internationally comparable data. No specific surveys existent. Medium term Preparation of European Adult Education Survey, first round 2006. Long term Possible development of direct adult skills assessment survey. Potential launch post-2007, probably in conjunction with OECD adult skills assessment project. Action for new indicators Short term Use of LFS data for additional indicators. Analysis of LFS 2003 adhoc module within specific study by late 2005.

11 6. Vocational education and training 11/26
Indicator availability 5-yearly CVTS & annual UOE. However, important data gaps exist. Medium term Contribution to CVTS 2006. Use of Adult Education Survey data (available 2007) Improvement of initial VET data through Eurostat collections on E&T systems. Study underway on VET expenditure. Long term Data collection on training of VET trainers and mobility of trainers & trainees. Action for new indicators Short term Analysis of LFS ad hoc module on lifelong learning of 2003. Use of Eurobarometer survey on CVTS, Nov 2004.

12 7. Languages 12/26 Indicator availability Action for new indicators
Foreign-language learning covered by Eurostat. Data needs Linguistic competence indicator: Two foreign languages Four skills: reading, writing, listening, speaking Common European Framework of Reference for languages Action for new indicators Short term Preparation of call for tender to be launched 2005. Medium term Survey on language skills planned , in consultation with Council and with co-operation of Member States. Long term Depending on outcome of first language survey, a long-term strategy to produce the required data will be implemented.

13 8. Professional development of teachers 13/26
Action for new indicators Short term Eurydice survey on evaluation practices in teacher training, 2005 (exploring evaluation, education reform & teacher training and use of indicators for policy development). Medium term Possible use of international instruments to collect data at school level (e.g. OECD teacher survey with possible link to PISA 2006). Indicator availability Current indicators are related to shortages/surpluses of teachers and do not address quality or content of teaching and training.

14 9. Social inclusion and active citizenship 14/26
Indicator availability Data already available from existent (LFS, PISA) or forthcoming surveys (SILC). Gaps: special-needs learners, active citizenship. Medium term Development of new indicators: - attainment level of disabled people - educational attainment of non- EU nationals - parental background of tertiary students Development of composite indicator on social inclusion. Development of indicators on active citizenship based on study 2005. Long term Data sets on social background of tertiary students and possibly on active citizenship to be included in surveys. Action for new indicators Short term Breakdown of data by gender. Additional breakdown by age. Use of LFS data on non-nationals and PISA data on socio-economic groups.

15 Organisational aspects 1 15/26
Full participation of Member States will be required for successful development of new indicators. Development of a legal basis for production of E&T statistics is under discussion. Research unit on lifelong learning to be established at the Joint Research Centre at ISPRA to extend the Commission’s research capacity and provide methodological support.

16 Organisational aspects 2 16/26
The SGIB is expected to support the Commission in monitoring the implementation of the action plan to develop new indicators. Eurydice is expected to play an important role in collection of qualitative information. The Commission will work closely with inter-governmental organisations like the OECD and UNESCO, and with relevant non-governmental organisations to improve data availability.

17 Looking ahead /26 Negotiation in the Education Committee of a Council Conclusion on new indicators. Meetings on the implementation of Strategies Mobility on 23 February 2005 Teachers and trainers on 24 February 2005. Measuring adult competencies 25 February 2005.

18 Information by policy users 18/26
Structure of presentation New Indicators on Education and Training Work programme of the CRELL at the JRC in ISPRA Papers in the pipeline New organisation of DG EAC

19 JRC 1 19/26 ACTIVITIES -website on education
Establish a network of institutions-universities active in indicators based evaluation of education and training systems -database of European institutions -website on education -inventory of national initiatives on indicator based evaluation -conference

20 Research on indicators
JRC /26 Research on indicators Support indicator development in several areas, e.g. investment efficiency, access, equity, mobility, learning to learn skills, knowledge society, vocational training, etc. Qualitative aspects of education and training (jointly consider qualitative and quantitative data: methodology) Support to the work on indicators: Weaknesses and limitations of datasets, time series analysis and cross country comparisons, methodological support for the collection of new data (together with Eurostat) - Analysis and interpretation of data, including identification of good practices via statistics

21 Forecasting and modelling
JRC /26 Forecasting and modelling Macroeconomic modelling Economic performance (Lisbon goals) Implication on public budget Forecasting Projections of trends Feasibility of new benchmarks and policy objectives

22 Recruitment (of 10 researchers)
JRC /26 Next steps Recruitment (of 10 researchers) Meeting in Brussels on 7/8 February 2005 with interested researchers

23 Information by policy users 23/26
Structure of presentation New Indicators on Education and Training Work programme of the CRELL at the JRC in ISPRA Papers in the pipeline New organisation of DG EAC

24 Papers in the pipeline 24/26
Policy papers in the pipeline Progress towards the Common Objectives in Education and Training 2005 World-wide benchmarking of European education and training systems

25 Information by policy users 25/26
Structure of presentation New Indicators on Education and Training Work programme of the CRELL at the JRC in ISPRA Papers in the pipeline New organisation of DG EAC


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