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German Language Visit to Berlin Queen Elizabeth II High School February 14 th to 19 th 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "German Language Visit to Berlin Queen Elizabeth II High School February 14 th to 19 th 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 German Language Visit to Berlin Queen Elizabeth II High School February 14 th to 19 th 2010

2 German Language Visit Our German Language Visit Todays presentation will cover the following: About NST Travel Group plc Safety and Financial Security Visit Overview Destination Map Visit Objectives What is There to See and Do? Our Accommodation and Meal Arrangements Travel Tips Whats Included? Next Steps Any Questions? Further Information

3 About NST Travel Group plc Established in 1967 Europes leading educational travel company Offices in Blackpool, Cambridge and Dublin Offering tailored educational tours for schools, colleges and universities in the UK, Europe and Worldwide Enviable reputation for quality, professionalism and value A well organised tour with friendly staff! Mrs Astin-Kilgallon German Language Visit

4 Safety and Financial Security NST offers complete peace of mind when placing a booking: NSTs pioneering Safety Management System is externally verified each year. This covers all of your arrangements, including transport, accommodation, visits and 24-hour contact whilst on your tour. NSTs Safety Management System School Travel Forum NSTs pioneering principle of using externally verified safety management systems, to reassure and support teachers, pre-dated the governments support within HASPEV guidelines. This was adopted by the School Travel Forum and is supported by Unions, Headteachers Associations and welcomed by LEA Advisors. Supported by: National Union of Teachers German Language Visit

5 Safety and Financial Security Air Travel Organisers Licensing ATOL licences are issued by the Civil Aviation Authority, a bond which guarantees financial protection for you. International Air Transport Association As an accredited IATA agent, NST is licensed to issue air tickets on behalf of airlines. Association of British Travel Agents Members offer consistently high standards of trading practice meaning financial arrangements are completely secure. NST offers complete peace of mind when placing a booking: Our stringent requirements regarding Health and Safety, Insurance and payment protection were covered by NST. Ms Colwell German Language Visit

6 We will depart from the Island by plane on Sunday 14 th 2010. We will stay at Meininger City Hostel in Kreuzberg, Berlin for 3 nights, and will return home on Friday 19 th 2010, after overnighting in Liverpool on the Thursday night. Visit Overview German Language Visit

7 Destination Map German Language Visit

8 Visit Objectives For the children to: o to enjoy themselves o to get a taste of German culture o to practise the German language within their own personal comfort zone An excellent learning experience. Mr Hopkins German Language Visit

9 We believe that every young person should experience the world beyond the classroom as an essential part of learning and personal development, whatever their age, ability and circumstances. Learning Outside the Classroom Manifesto, DCSF (formerly DfES) Visit Objectives German Language Visit

10 Reichstag The Reichstag is the seat of the Federal Parliament and, with its new rooftop viewing dome offering superb views of the city, is one of Berlins biggest attractions. On this visit we will learn about the Reichstags colourful past, which reflects the turbulence of German history since the 19th century. What is There to See and Do? German Language Visit

11 Olympic Stadium This stadium was built for the 1936 Olympic Games and is still used as a sporting venue. Our guided tour will last 60-75 minutes and can be provided in English on request. What is There to See and Do? German Language Visit

12 Checkpoint Charlie The former West/East Border crossing point can still be seen today in central Berlin, about a 10-minute walk from Potsdamer Platz. There is also a museum featuring exhibitions about this legendary border crossing point and interactive exhibits. What is There to See and Do? German Language Visit

13 Potsdamer Platz Potsdamer Platz was rebuilt as the fall of the Berlin Wall saw the city redesign its centre. With its spectacular architecture, enticing cafés, restaurants, movie houses, a film museum and a shopping centre, there will be plenty of exciting opportunities for us to practise our language skills or just enjoy free time. What is There to See and Do? German Language Visit

14 Brandenburg Gate The Brandenburg Gate is Berlins only remaining city gate and truly symbolises the history of this city as it was once situated in no-mans land just behind the Berlin wall. The Gate is now closed to vehicles, but we will be able to walk around it and be amazed by its size. What is There to See and Do? German Language Visit

15 Berlin Wall Only small sections of the wall are now dotted around the city. The most accessible ones are in Potsdamer Platz and The Wall Park near Bernauer Strasse. The former Eastern section of the Berlin Wall has been painted by many unknown graffiti artists. What is There to See and Do? German Language Visit

16 Alexanderplatz Alexanderplatz is a large open square in Berlin city centre. In and around this area we will see many historic buildings, as well as the TV Tower, Marx Engels statue, and the Nikolaiviertel (St Nicholas Quarter) which is famous for its traditional German restaurants and bars. What is There to See and Do? German Language Visit

17 Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp This concentration camp is located 30km north of the city. Sachsenhausen is one of the oldest camps, and was re- opened as a memorial in 1961. What is There to See and Do? German Language Visit

18 Kurfürstendamm & Zoo Station area Kurfürstendamm is one of the most famous avenues in Berlin, full of shops, houses, hotels and restaurants. When Berlin was separated, the Kurfürstendamm became the leading commercial street in West Berlin. What is There to See and Do? German Language Visit

19 Our Accommodation and Meal Arrangements NST are well organised and provide good, safe accommodation. Miss Furey Meininger 12 Cityhostel Berlin The Meininger 12 City Hostel is centrally located, in the heart of Berlin. There are a total of 74 rooms, spread over 7 floors. Rooms for students are multi-bedded (up to 6- bedded) some using bunks. All rooms have private facilities (towels included) and television. There is ample wardrobe space. Note: If any dietary requirements need to be catered for, please let me know in advance. German Language Visit Our accommodation is on a full-board basis.


21 The Language School is called IH BERLIN PROLOG, in the Schöneberg district of Berlin (only two stops away from the hostel on the U-bahn line 7.) Our trip includes 3 x 45 minute German lessons on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, starting at 9am!

22 Travel Tips Our best educational visit to date! Mr Treherne Passport: All students travelling must hold a full passport. We will be using the List of Travellers scheme, as established by the British Council. If you have any doubts about passports or visa requirements, please see me at the end of this presentation. German Language Visit

23 Money: The currency in Germany is the Euro. We recommend that students take approximately £60 with them on the visit in cash. Our accommodation is on a full board basis, but students will need to get themselves something to eat and drink on the outward and return journeys. Travel Tips German Language Visit

24 What to take on the trip: Please restrict luggage to one case (maximum weight of 20kg) plus one piece of hand luggage. A rucksack/daybag will also be useful as students will have to carry their packed lunch every day. Warm clothing (Berlin will be cold in February, and there may even be snow!) Sensible shoes (for walking tour, and the language school is approx 10 min walk from the nearest U-bahn station.) Please ensure all clothes, shoes, bags etc are named, so that if they do get lost, we can forward them to the owner. Pens & pencils for quiz and language modules. Please note that towels are provided by the hostel. Travel Tips German Language Visit

25 Insurance All NST tours are covered by travel insurance, but in addition all travellers are also covered by a further policy held with Marsh (Isle of Man) Limited. Travel Tips

26 Thank you for supporting our NST German Language visit to Berlin! We felt, and our students agree, that it was a very successful trip! Mr Blizzard German Language Visit

27 Further Information For further information about NST Travel Group plc please visit German Language Visit

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