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Make them as interesting as you can,

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Presentation on theme: "Make them as interesting as you can,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Make them as interesting as you can,
Order of operations N4.1 Core Plenary Here are some expressions which use BIDMAS. Evaluate the expressions. Write some expressions of your own that need BIDMAS. Make them as interesting as you can, Make sure you can work out the answers in your head! Test your expressions on some friends – see if they can work them out. 12 – ( ) × 3 Preamble This provides pupils with a self-review of their work on order of operations. Persuade pupils to work mentally whenever they can. Working in pairs encourage pupils to check each other’s expressions (and answers). Towards the end of the session examples can be collected together and checked. There is scope here for some interesting display work. Possible content Using BIDMAS for order of operations and calculations, mental calculations. Resources None. Solution/Notes 12 – = = ( ) × 3 = 21 Pupils own numerical expressions. Original Material © Cambridge University Press 2009 Original Material © Cambridge University Press 2009

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