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-adapted from Learning by Doing

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1 -adapted from Learning by Doing
What is a PLC? “A professional learning community is educators committed to working collaboratively in ongoing processes of collective inquiry to achieve better results for the students they serve. PLC’s operate under the assumption that the key to improved learning for students is continuous, job-embedded learning for educators.” -adapted from Learning by Doing Introduction to PLC Ask for key words in definition (collaboratively, inquiry, ongoing, learning for educators)

2 The Four Critical Questions of PLC’s
FOCUS ON: Learning rather than teaching Results rather than intentions Collaboration rather than isolation 4. What do we do when students HAVE learned the content? 2. How do we know when students have learned? 3. What do we do when students HAVEN’T learned? 1. What are students supposed to know and do? Four questions that must be asked, but cannot be answered alone which is why we are moving toward a PLC. 2

3 Literacy affects all students in all academinc areas.
Literacy standards for soc st, sci, and technical subjects are listed in back of ELA course of study. We must share responsibility of literate students through our PLC

4 I don't understand. This is new to me.
Annotation Guide I don't understand. This is new to me. This surprises/shocks me. Really important, need to know, teacher pointed out. ONE EXAMPLE: English and history teachers are using literacy strategies in their curriculum that is lead by students. Teachers are using best practices across content areas and grade levels to strengthen literacy skills. Continuous collaboration is done through our PLC. I noticed these word patterns or repetitions. New word. I need the meaning.

5 Highlighting poster for sourcing historical documents

6 Sample student work Thoughts on paper

7 Professional Development: It’s Time for Change
By Tim Walker What did you find interesting about this article? What surprised you? Were there any terms that you circled and why? Could you relate to anything stated in the article? Give an example. Did you disagree with a statement in this article? After reading and annotating the PLC article from NEAtoday, Spring 2013, turn and talk with your parnter.

8 Please complete survey based on where you feel we are in our PLC for data on display activity.

9 Summer professional development opportunities. Summer reading that will strengthen our PLC.

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