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Business Schedule (B): April Vacation

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Presentation on theme: "Business Schedule (B): April Vacation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Business Schedule (B): -- -- -- -- --April Vacation-- -- -- -- --
Today- California ½ Day ½ Day SAT and PSAT (Q3 ends) Expansion Quiz Reforms Reforms April Vacation CAPT Assignment due Slavery Reforms 2

2 Business Schedule (H): -- -- -- -- --April Vacation-- -- -- -- --
Today- California ½ Day ½ Day SAT and PSAT (Q3 ends) Expansion Quiz Reforms April Vacation CAPT Review / work time Assignment due Slavery Reforms 2

3 Business Work handed back
Expansion quiz (last grade for Q3) (will include maps) B- Monday H- Tuesday Mexican American War Why?

4 How did gold and slavery affect Expansion?
California, Utah

5 Utah Mass migration of Mormons to Great Salt Lake
In Utah Largely undeveloped City just for Mormons Around same time as Oregon Trail ~1847

6 Mormons Mormon religion- started in 1820s by Joseph Smith
Polygamy- men could have multiple wives Group had private army Experienced discrimination and violence Joseph Smith murdered in 1844 Had to leave to practice religion Salt Lake City

7 Gold in California January 1848- gold discovered in California
1847- CA is in US (Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo) (but not state yet) “finders keepers” Forty-Niners- thousands of prospectors came to California in 1849

8 Life in California Mining camps: Who succeeded?
Temporary, lack of “proper” living/rules, men Many different people, close spaces Many more men than women Who succeeded? Not prospectors, people who opened stores / owned land

9 California as a State? Free Slave Free or slave?
1820- Missouri Compromise Divided new territory into free and slave states South of Missouri = slavery North of Missouri = free Missouri Compromise divided California in two Free Slave

10 Discussion / debate about slavery in new areas
Slavery in the 1800s Discussion / debate about slavery in new areas Northern View Can’t abolish (get rid of) slavery where it already exists Have to stop slavery from spreading to new territory Slavery is wrong, sinful Southern View Have the right to take slaves into new territory Slavery is right

11 Compromise of 1850 1850- Compromise between North and South:
California a free state Other territory- popular sovereignty The people decide if free or slave Slave trade in Washington DC outlawed Harsh fugitive slave law

12 Expansion Quiz Westward Expansion / Manifest Destiny Texas
Revolutions Mexican American War Westward Movement Oregon Trail Salt Lake City- Mormons Gold in the West Free and Slave Territory / Compromises

13 Expansion Map Fill out map- complete On back of map sheet-
(turning in when done- take picture to study from?) On back of map sheet- How does this image relate to today’s lesson? Utah California Compromises Turn in, get review sheet

14 Different Views Write an editorial (opinion-based article) for a newspaper arguing against allowing slavery in the new territories Write another editorial for a newspaper arguing for allowing slavery in the new territories

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