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Digestive System.

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Presentation on theme: "Digestive System."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digestive System


3 1. Oral Cavity Where Digestion begins
Contains several structures that help start digestion

4 1. Oral Cavity A. Teeth: Break down food 32 in an adult; 20 in a child

5 1. Oral Cavity B. saliva: keep the oral cavity moist
has enzymes that break down food Enables specific taste Creates a normal pH salivary glands video

6 Salivary Glands 2, 3, 4. Salivary Glands – (3 pairs)
(parotid, submandibular, and sublingual) Function: produce saliva salivary glands video 4 3 2

7 Tonsils 5. Tonsils: (Lymphoid tissue) -creates white blood cells (WBC) -traps and fights pathogens(virus/bacteria) tonsil video

8 Uvula 6. Uvula – flap of tissue at the back of the mouth; prevents food from going into the nasal cavity during chewing and swallowing

9 Tongue 7. Tongue – (muscular organ)
moving food, swallowing, tasting, and speech attached to the mouth floor by the frenulum

10 Tongue 10,000 taste buds

11 Taste Tasting experiment
Divide your sticky note into sections: A B C D 1 2 3 4 Instructions: No talking, or smelling prior to or after placing the Q-tip on your tongue

12 Taste Tasting Experiment Results:

13 Taste article The tongue taste map is WRONG (Daily Mail)

14 Pharynx 8. Pharynx: receives air and food from nose and mouth and pushes it downward

15 Bolus Food is chewed by teeth, mixed with saliva, and manipulated by the tongue 9. Bolus which is a ball of food mixed with saliva Bolus Video Bolus Video 2

16 Esophagus 10. Esophagus:(gullet: gula=throat in latin)
To carry To eat 10. Esophagus:(gullet: gula=throat in latin) Connects pharynx to stomach Peristalsis: continued contraction and relation of muscles Esophagus Video Sphincter Video

17 Esophagus

18 Esophagus Upper Esophageal Sphincter: push food downward
Lower Esophageal Sphincter: prevents stomach acid back flow

19 Epiglottis Epiglottis: prevents food and liquid from going into the trachea (Trap Door)

20 Create a stomach Materials: Copy paper Scissors Ruler Colors String
Create an actual size stomach Materials: Copy paper Scissors Ruler Colors String Find out: Width of the stomach Length of the stomach Length of the lesser curvature Length of the greater curvature Length of the esophagus (create with string)

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