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Keep you and your furry friend safer.

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Presentation on theme: "Keep you and your furry friend safer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Keep you and your furry friend safer.
Pet Safety Keep you and your furry friend safer.

2 If you just got your pet, or if you have had them for a long time, these tips will help keep them and you safer.

3 Learn to see signs that your pet wants to be left alone
Learn to see signs that your pet wants to be left alone. Don’t bother your pet if he or she seems angry or upset.

4 If your pet attacks you DON”T run or yell
If your pet attacks you DON”T run or yell! Curl into a ball, protect your hands and face, and call for help.

5 Teach your dog to listen to the command “Stop
Teach your dog to listen to the command “Stop.” Only say “Stop” when your dog is misbehaving.

6 Don’t let your friends bring their pets into your home without telling an adult first. The pets could get in a fight.

7 Follow these safety rules to enjoy a lifetime of safe fun with your cuddly, fuzzy friend!!

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