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Defining categories of behavior

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1 Defining categories of behavior
Animal Behaviors Defining categories of behavior

2 Animal Behavior Vocabulary
Ethology Study of animal behavior Anthropomorphism Need to be careful about ascribing or attributing human emotions to animals Behavior Action performed in response to stimulus Stimulus Something that elicits a response

3 Stimuli Heat Light Sight Chemicals Sound Humidity Touch Vibration
Color Gravity Pressure presence of another animal etc Sight Sound Touch Smell Taste

4 External Stimuli Internal stimuli Something outside of the animal
Sound Sight Smell Presence of another animal Internal stimuli Something inside the animal Hunger Fatigue Feeling cold hormones

5 13 types of behavior 1. Foraging Feeding Locate, obtain, consume food

6 2. Parental Care ensuring survival of young carrying, nursing, cuddling, holding young

7 3. Courtship attracting a mate Courtship displays, bright feathers, songs, vocalizing, head butting, fighting

8 4. Reproductive Mating, giving birth

9 5. Offensive/ Defensive Aggresion, submissive behavior, defense from aggressors Hiding, fighting, escape, threatening

10 6. Territorial Protect a resource for exclusive use
Scenting, marking, birdsong, protection of mate / offspring, space, food, water source

11 7. Social Work to create alliances, help the group
Grooming, babysitting, play, play fight

12 8. Migratory Movement to a more suitable environment as seasons change
Dry vs. rainy, winter vs. summer range, upriver to spawn, to cooler/ warmer climate

13 9. Communication Signaling between one animal and another
greeting-sniff, bite, hug aggression – charge, bite, hit non-aggressive – patting, stroking vocalizations – bark, growl, snort, howl, chirps non-verbal – body posture, head, ears, tail, teeth, looking away, looking directly, raising hackles or hood, tail slap, etc


15 10. Curiosity-investigating new stimulus in environment
approach, sniff, chew, bite

16 11. Elimination Defecation, urinating

17 12. Resting Apparent inactivity
lying down, sitting, sleeping, loafing, basking

18 13. Playing Purpose: training for life defense, hunting

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