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Design and Development of Abrasive Jet Machine And

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1 Design and Development of Abrasive Jet Machine And
Experimental Investigation of Nozzle used in it Anish Bhatti ( ), Naeem Dadi ( ), Chintan Patel ( ), Pratik Surti ( ) Guided by: Ass. Proff. Alpesh Patel Team ID:83492 ABSTRACT With the development of technology, more and more challenging problems are faced by the scientist and technologist in the field of manufacturing. The difficulty in adopting the traditional manufacturing processes can be attributed mainly to the following three basic sources are new materials with a low machinability, dimensional accuracy requirements and higher production rate. The project work consists of design of abrasive jet machine with some experimental investigation on nozzles used in it. INTRODUCTION Abrasive jet machining (AJM), also known as abrasive micro-blasting, pencil blasting and micro-abrasive blasting, is an abrasive blasting machining process that uses abrasives propelled by a high velocity gas to erode material from the work piece. Common uses include cutting heat-sensitive, brittle, thin, or hard materials. Specifically it is used to cut intricate shapes or form specific edge shapes. Abrasive Jet Machining, or AJM, is the impingement of fine abrasive particles in a high-velocity gas stream. This process is also referred to as “pencil blasting” or “micro-abrasive blasting”. Every cutting method is based on the input of energy into the material, in order to overcome the chemical bindings present in the structure of the material. Thermal cutting methods, for example, utilize the energy of chemical reactions, electricity, or light to produce high temperatures in order to melt the material at the cutting kerfs. Mechanical methods utilize the kinetic energy of the moving tool or form ductile materials through the application of pressure. Abrasive jet Cutting can be classified as a mechanical method. The energy of the rapidly moving jet is utilized either in the form of a pure abrasive jet or abrasive jet and then applied to the work piece causing micro erosion. The cutting air works as a cooling agent of cutting edge, thus allowing for a very high quality cut. The one main component which is without any doubt always necessary to create jet is the high pressure pump..  WORKING We take a close tank in which our process is carried out. In this tank we filled abrasive particle. We carried abrasive air jet machining process so we take a air cylinder of high pressure and give the air supply to the nozzle. In that line near the nozzle such arrangement is given which suck the abrasive particle from the tanks bottom. As we start the flow of air it passed speedily from the nozzle and abrasive also suck from the tank and this mixture of abrasive and air strike on the work piece and micro erosion of work piece take place. We wear hand gloves and put material below the nozzle. In that process a major advantages is saving of abrasive material. We carried this process in the close tank so abrasive particle is remain in the tank so we are not wasting abrasive material. We can reuse of this abrasive material. As we start the supply of high pressure air it flow through the pipe line to the nozzle. In the upper side of nozzle we give the line of abrasive particle line so as air moving fast from this line it suck the abrasive from the tank by the pipe line provided. This abrasive particle mixes with the high pressure air and then through the nozzle it strikes on the work piece. Due to high pressure and abrasive particle micro erosion of work piece take place. Now which abrasive particle done this process is again come in the tank and it can reuse again so we can save the cost of abrasive particle by this close tank. COMPONENTS Nozzle Abrasive Particle Hand Gloves Motor for Feed Mechanism Pressure Gauge PARTS SPECIFICATION: Sr. no. Part description Size Material 1 Close tank Size of tank is 14*15 inch and maximum height is 16 inch and minimum height is 10 inch. SS 2 Nozzle Inlet diameter 12mm and outlet diameter is 4 mm, length of nozzle is 23mm. MS 3 Abrasive material Standard ----- 4 Hand gloves Lather 5 Ball valve ½ BSP Brass 6 Pressure gauge 7 Connecting Nozzle ¼ BSP 8 Union fitting ---- REFERENCE A book of,” Fundamentals of Machining and Machine Tools”, by R. K. Singal, Mridul Singal, I. K. International Pvt Ltd A book of, ‘’ Fundamentals of Machining Processes’’, by  Hassan Abdel-Gawad El-Hofy, CRC Press Poster Presentation :“Design and Development of Abrasive jet Machine and Experimental Investigation of Nozzle used in it” by Anish Bhatti ( ,) Pratik Surti ( ), Chintan Patel ( ) and Naeem Dadi ( ) “Project and Design Fair 2K17”

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