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Modelling and Simulations of PtG Plant Start-ups and Shutdowns

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Presentation on theme: "Modelling and Simulations of PtG Plant Start-ups and Shutdowns"— Presentation transcript:

1 Modelling and Simulations of PtG Plant Start-ups and Shutdowns
You can use cover page with one or two photos or without photos The 9th Eurosim Congress on Modelling and Simulation Teemu Sihvonen

2 Content Power-to-Gas (PtG) in general
Introduction to Power-to-Gas plant Modelled PtG plant components Control logics Results Conclusion

3 Power-to-Gas in general
Convert intermittent renewable electricity to gas Hydrogen or methane (Synthetic Natural Gas), with high energy density Re-convert to electricity Lately also talk about Power-to-X, with X = NH3, MeOH, fuels, … Evolving from energy storage to a sector coupling technology

4 Power-to-Gas plant Example plant configuration FG CO2 capture Storages
Electrical grid O2 To gas grid Grid connection Electrolysis Methanation

5 Modelled PtG plant components
Power grid connection Three 3 MWe alkaline electrolysers Interim gas storages for H2, CO2 and O2 Methanation reactor Synthetic natural gas (SNG) compression train Built on Apros® process simulator platform

6 Power-to-gas plant in Apros

7 Power-to-gas plant in Apros – methanation reactor
Reactor vessel Electrical heater Concentration distribution Heat transfer to cooling circuit

8 Control logics Start-up Initial state Routine
Methanation reactor is at room temperature and filled with H2 Alkaline electrolysers are at room temperature Interim gas storage tanks are full of gas Routine Methanation reactor heated up to 275°C with electric heaters H2 and CO2 feed to the reactor opens, recirculation and compression to the gas grid starts Steam cooling starts when reactor highest temperature reaches 550°C Power feed to the alkaline electrolysers starts when methanation reactor is at 230°C, which allows the electrolysers to heat up and start H2 production in time

9 Control logics Shutdown Initial state Routine
Methanation reactor at steady state with 0.06 kg/s of SNG production Alkaline electrolysers operating with alternating power between 20 – 100% based on power grid frequency Interim H2 storage has some level of gas based on previous power grid frequency Routine CO2 feed to the methantion stops, stopping the reactions Recirculation and cooling steam flow stops Reactor is filled with H2, leaving gasmixture is compressed to the gas grid Electrolysers are operating until the interim H2 storage is full

10 Results: Methanation reactor

11 Results: Electrolysers

12 Results: SNG flow to the natural gas grid

13 Results Higher CO2 and H2 concentrations flow to the natural gas grid during start-up and shutdown Total masses and moles of gas components to the natural gas grid during the 10 hour simulation Also specified amounts for CO2 and H2 during start-up and shutdown CH4 CO CO2 H2 H2O Mass, kgT / kgU / kgD* 650.0 0.004 20.0 / 7.8 / 1.07 16.8 / 5.94 / 9.18 0.25 MoleT / moleU / moleD 40.5 0.0001 0.45 / 0.18 / 0.02 8.3 / 2.95 / 4.55 0.014 *T total, U start-up and D shutdown

14 Conclusion Initial control logics for PtG plant star-up and shutdown has been presented Simulations revealed needs in Modelling Alkaline electrolyser model need N2 purge dynamics Effect of temperature in the alkaline electrolyser during start-up Low guality SNG during star-up and shutdown Need for extra volume to facilitate recycle? Control logics Compression to the natural gas grid reacts too fast causing temperature and pressure gradients in the reactor

15 Thank you! Any questions?

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