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The business case Toolkit for

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1 The business case Toolkit for
Career Development

2 Three key reasons to invest in career development

3 “Lack of future career opportunity” is consistently the # 1 driver of employee turnover, CEB Global Labour Market Survey ( )

4 What is employee turnover costing our business?
Costs include lost productivity, declined customer service, recruitment costs, onboarding/training costs, loss of institutional knowledge, flow on decline in team engagement and retention Up to 213 percent of annual salary for senior management positions (CAP study, 2012) Approximately 150% of annual salary for a mid-level employee (TLNT study, 2015) 48-59% for front-line sales and support roles (Willis Towers Watson, 2016) Job Level Financial cost of turnover (% of annual salary) Turnover rate (%) Number of employees Average salary Estimated cost Senior Management/ Executive 74% - 213% Professional 60% - 150% Front line: customer service, sales, business support 48% - 59% TOTAL

5 Career opportunities is consistently a top three driver of employee engagement
-Aon Hewitt, Global Employee Engagement Trends (2011, 2015, 2017) -Willis Towers Watson, Global Workforce Studies (2016) Aon Hewitt, 2014 Aon Hewitt, 2017

6 Organisations with high employee engagement report on average:
What impact could improved employee engagement have on our business results? 28% 26% 23% 19% Increase in operating income (Towers Watson, 2006) Profit growth (Aon Hewitt, 2011) Higher revenue per employee (Taleo Research, 2009) Earnings per Share growth (Towers Watson, 2006) Metric Example* Our current state Our possibilities? Career Satisfaction (+10%) x% ? Employee Engagement X% Customer Satisfaction (+4%) Business Results (+9%) *In one major global bank a 10% increase in employee engagement correlated with a 10% increase in business results (Willis Towers Watson, 2017)

7 Career opportunities is a top attraction driver for employees
(Towers Watson, Global Workforce Study 2014, 2016) Towers Watson, 2014

8 Sample objectives for the career development program
Engagement Retention Talent Improve employee engagement by increasing number of employees/leaders satisfied with their career and development opportunities Improve retention of: high potential talent leaders female leaders Improve ability to fill key positions internally/ placement rate of internal candidates Improve attraction of external employees (time to fill and offer acceptance rates of external candidates)

9 Research References (in order of citation)
CEB Global Talent Monitor (2017), monitor/pdfs/workforce-trends.pdf?pageRequestId=1cd9adb6-856d c2d-5f108e35318e There are significant business costs to replacing employees (CAP, 2012) content/uploads/2012/11/CostofTurnover.pdf What was management thinking? The high cost of employee turnover (2015) the-shockingly-high-cost-of-employee-turnover/ Willis Towers Watson Global Findings Report (2016) modernize-the-employee-value-proposition Aon Hewitt trends in global employee engagement report (2014), consulting/2014-trends-in-global-employee-engagement-report.pdf Managing engagement in times of change (2017) Engagement-in-Times-of-Change-March2017.pdf The Towers Perrin ISR Employee Engagement Report (2006) Alignment drives employee engagement and productivity (2009) Retrieved from Putting the business back into employee insights (2017) AU/Insights/Newsletters/Global/Sustainably-Engaged/2017/employee-insight-that-drives-business-outcomes Towers Watson Global Workforce Study (2014) Results/2014/08/the-2014-global-workforce-study

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