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Frankenstein UEQ: How does Frankenstein reflect the tenets of Romanticism, its society and its values, and the characteristics of Gothic literature?

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Presentation on theme: "Frankenstein UEQ: How does Frankenstein reflect the tenets of Romanticism, its society and its values, and the characteristics of Gothic literature?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Frankenstein UEQ: How does Frankenstein reflect the tenets of Romanticism, its society and its values, and the characteristics of Gothic literature? What two characteristics of Romanticism most influenced Mary Shelley’s writing of Frankenstein? Support your answer with quoted proof from the author’s introduction.

2 Frankenstein – Author’s Intro.
What two characteristics of Romanticism most influenced Mary Shelley’s writing of Frankenstein? Support your answer with quoted proof from the author’s introduction.

3 Frankenstein – Intro. / Paradise Lost
In Milton’s Paradise Lost, why was Satan kicked out of Heaven? Why were Adam and Eve kicked out of the Garden of Eden? How might these questions and their answers relate to Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein?

4 Frankenstein – The Letters
Explain the idea of a Frame Story and how it applies to the beginning of Frankenstein.

5 Frankenstein – Chapters 1 and 2
1 = What valuable background knowledge do we receive from VF in this chapter? In what way(s) might that information be important to future aspects of this story? 2 = Generalize how VF learns about alchemy and natural science. How does this fit with one or more of the characteristics of Romanticism?

6 Frankenstein – Chapters 3 and 4
3 = Who dies in this chapter? Predict how this loss might affect VF going forward. 4 = Victor states: “A new species would bless me as its creator and source; many happy and excellent natures would owe their being to me. No father could claim the gratitude of his child so completely as I should deserve theirs.” Put this in your own words. What exactly is VF saying in this quote and why might it be a very real problem going forward?

7 Frankenstein – Chapter 5
How does Victor respond to monster? How should he have responded? Which has a greater impact on human development – Nature? or Nurture? Can Clerval be seen as a foil to VF? Why not? OR In what way(s)?

8 Frankenstein – Chapter 6
Who is Justine Moritz? What characteristics of Romanticism are reflected towards the end of chapter 6? How?

9 Frankenstein – Chapter 7
Describe the circumstance surrounding the death in this chapter. Analyze the impact this has on VF. What does he decide to do? Who has been found guilty of the death? Based on what evidence?

10 Frankenstein – Chapter 8
Trace the events and examine the evidence presented at Justine’s trial. Do you believe she is guilty of the crime she is convicted of? Explain your answer in detail.

11 Frankenstein – Chapter 9
How do Victor’s losses contribute to his growing sense of responsibility as a creator? Explain the irony in Victor’s thought “…I ardently wished to extinguish that life which I had so thoughtlessly bestowed…” Summarize what Victor does at night after the rest of his family has gone to bed. Which Romantic characteristics does this behavior align with Explain Victor’s need to escape at the end of this chapter.

12 Frankenstein – Chapter 10
Explain how Victor’s guilt has affected his health. What is Shelley’s purpose in this recurring plot device? How is Victor’s reaction toward the Valley of Chamounix a departure from his previous views of nature? How does Shelley tease her readers at the end of chapter 10? Make some predictions about what we might hear.

13 Frankenstein – Chapter 11
What imagery does Shelley employ when monster describes his “awakening?” Is this effective? Explain. How does the change in narration to the monster’s point of view affect the reading of the novel? Do you feel sympathy for monster? Why or why not? What does monster learn from the family in this chapter?

14 Frankenstein – Chapter 12
Monster looks upon the DeLacey’s as “…superior beings, who would be the arbiters of my future destiny.” Explain the irony. Monster seems to have a plan at the end of this chapter. In your own words, what is it? Should he proceed? Why or why not?

15 Frankenstein – Chapter 13
How is one’s character influenced by one’s education and upbringing? What is the role of education in monster’s development? In your opinion, what is the most important thing monster has learned in this chapter? How will this (your answer) propel the plot?

16 Frankenstein – Chapter 14
How did the DeLacey family come to be living in the cottage? How did Safie come to find and join them?

17 Frankenstein – Chapter 15
What are the three books that monster reads? What does he learn from each book? What else does monster read and what does he learn from it? What does monster hope will happen when he talks to DeLacey? What actually happens?

18 Frankenstein – Chapter 16
What happens to the DeLacey family after the events of chapter 15? How does monster respond? What event during monster’s travels confirms his hatred of humans? What event happens when monster is near Geneva? Who is the boy? Who is the woman? What is the date? What does monster demand from Victor?

19 Frankenstein – Chapter 17
How effective is monster in convincing Victor? What does Victor decide? What does monster say he will do in the meantime?

20 Frankenstein – Chapter 18
Why does Victor’s father think Victor might not want to marry Elizabeth? Why does Victor want to visit England? What do you make of his talk of slavery? What is the effect of Victor’s return to the present?

21 Frankenstein – Chapter 19
Where does Victor’s journey end, and what does he plan to do there? Why is he afraid?

22 Frankenstein – Chapter 20
What happens to Victor’s second monster? What happens when Monster visits victor? What does monster promise to do? How does Victor misinterpret this promise?

23 Frankenstein – Chapter 21
Who is Mr. Kirwin and how does he treat Victor? What has happened to cause Victor’s arrest? Detail the events of Victor’s trial. Explain Victor’s feelings when leaving Ireland and going to France.

24 Frankenstein – Chapter 22
What is the content of Elizabeth’s letter? How does Victor respond? How do Victor and Elizabeth get to Evian and why do they stop there?

25 Frankenstein – Chapter 23
List Victor’s (human) losses thus far. Include how each has died. What happens when Victor tries to get the authorities to help him hunt for the creature?

26 Frankenstein – Chapter 24
What happens during Victor’s pursuit of monster? (Where do they go / What does monster do) What sustains Victor during his pursuit? What does Victor ask Walton to do? What does he warn Walton about monster?

27 Frankenstein – Continuation
Explain why Victor wouldn’t tell Walton the details about the creation of monster. How does Walton avoid the threat of a mutiny? What happens as Walton is writing the story? What is the effect of shifting to the present tense here? What happens in Victor’s cabin? How does Walton respond?

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