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Proposal for handling CoP (Conformity of Production)

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1 Proposal for handling CoP (Conformity of Production)
CO2 Transmission expert group

2 CoP on component level - Transmission
CoP only if Options 2 and/or 3 have been used for certification. Option 2 and 3 certified loss values are controlled with a simplified option 2 measurement to verify the conformity of production (CoP). Supplier needs to show the correlation between the certified values and the CoP-values (regarding temperatures, oil quality, oil level, installation angle, sensor accuracy, run-in effect, etc.).

3 Measurement of CoP-values
Measurements are done at the two highest gears for the transmission. Input speed; the certification speed point closest to 50 % of the maximum rated speed of the transmission. Each measured CoP-value must not be larger than + 25 % of the corresponding certified loss value. One transmission of each certified transmission variant (sub-group) is tested per year and CoP-values are stored If a “worst case”-principle is used when reporting certified loss values, the same principle needs to be used for the CoP-measurements (meaning that the transmission used with a higher loss value for the certification also needs to be used for the CoP).

4 Handling of changes vs. CoP-values
Hardware changes: if considered having negligible influence on power losses: new loss measurements not required. Still, each measured CoP-value must not be larger than + 25 % of the corresponding (original) certified loss value.

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