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New Horizons in Adjunctive Type 1 Diabetes Management With SGLT Inhibitors.

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Presentation on theme: "New Horizons in Adjunctive Type 1 Diabetes Management With SGLT Inhibitors."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Horizons in Adjunctive Type 1 Diabetes Management With SGLT Inhibitors


3 Program Overview

4 Glycemic Control in T1DM

5 Risks Associated With T1DM

6 Limitations of Insulin Therapy for T1DM

7 Noninsulin Therapy for T1DM: Pramlintide

8 T2DM Therapies for T1DM: Metformin

9 T2DM Therapies for T1DM: GLP-1 RAs

10 T2DM Therapies for T1DM: SGLT Inhibitors

11 SGLT1/2 Inhibitors

12 Potential Benefit of SGLT1/2 Inhibitors for Patients With T1DM

13 Clinical Trials With SGLT Inhibitors for T1DM

14 Sotagliflozin for T1DM: inTandem Program

15 inTandem 3: Results

16 inTandem 3: Other Efficacy Endpoints

17 inTandem 3: Hypoglycemia and DKA

18 inTandem 3: Insulin Dose

19 Dapagliflozin in Patients With Inadequately Controlled T1DM: DEPICT Trials

20 Managing DKA: Key Points for Clinicians

21 Clinical Protocol for Managing the DKA Risk With SGLT Inhibitors

22 Clinical Protocol for Managing the DKA Risk With SGLT Inhibitors (cont)

23 Additional Considerations for Clinicians

24 Conclusion

25 Abbreviations

26 Abbreviations (cont)

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