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Successful Presentations

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Presentation on theme: "Successful Presentations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Successful Presentations
Phuc Nguyen 1/2/2019 Successful Presentations Amanda Harris Phuc Nguyen Amanda Harris MGQ201

2 Techniques to Consider
Feature Use Rehearse Timings Helps you determine the length of your presentation Header/Footer Puts identifying information on the top and bottom of slides, notes, and handouts Hidden Slides Hides slides until needed Annotate a Slide Write or draw on a slide

3 The Delivery is Up to You
Practice makes perfect Arrive early on the big day Maintain eye contact Speak slowly, clearly, and with sufficient volume Allow time for questions

4 Keep Something in Reverse
Create hidden slides to answer difficult questions that might occur Press Ctrl+S while in Slide Show view to display hidden slides

5 Provide Handouts Allows the audience to follow the presentation

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