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Laboratory exercises for Brain

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1 Laboratory exercises for Brain

2 DEMO SLIDE BOX 72b. Cerebrum, goat.
The lighter pink tissue on the surface is the “gray” matter (termed the cerebral cortex) and will contain neuronal cell bodies.

3 DEMO SLIDE BOX 72b. Cerebrum, goat.
The lighter pink tissue on the surface is the “gray” matter (termed the cerebral cortex) and will contain neuronal cell bodies. not occur in aggregates as they did in ganglia but are more random in nature

4 DEMO SLIDE BOX 72b. Cerebrum, goat.
white matter) the area is devoid of neuronal cell bodies

5 DEMO SLIDE BOX 72a. Cerebrum, Goat.
White matter Gray matter Cell bodies

6 Slide #199 (Ed 904-181A). Cerebrum, donkey.
Gray white

7 Cerebellum

8 DEMO SLDE BOX 73a. Cerebellum, chicken
MOLECULAR LAYER: The outermost layer is the thickest, has only a random scattering of nuclei (most of which are those of neuronal cell bodies), and is lighter staining. This is termed the molecular layer. PURKINJE CELL LAYER: Between the outer molecular layer and inner granule cell layer is a single layer of very large neuronal cell body nuclei – these are Purkinje cells (not to be confused with Purkinje fibers in cardiac muscle). GRANULE CELL LAYER: The innermost layer is densely populated with numerous small nuclei (again most of which are neuronal cell body nuclei), and is termed the granule cell layer. It appears as a speckled purple layer. center core of myelinated axons that extend into each folia

9 DEMO SLDE BOX 73a. Cerebellum, chicken
PRESENCE OF NUCLEATED RBCS = bird MOLECULAR LAYER: The outermost layer is the thickest, has only a random scattering of nuclei (most of which are those of neuronal cell bodies), and is lighter staining. This is termed the molecular layer. PURKINJE CELL LAYER: Between the outer molecular layer and inner granule cell layer is a single layer of very large neuronal cell body nuclei – these are Purkinje cells (not to be confused with Purkinje fibers in cardiac muscle). GRANULE CELL LAYER: The innermost layer is densely populated with numerous small nuclei (again most of which are neuronal cell body nuclei), and is termed the granule cell layer. It appears as a speckled purple layer. center core of myelinated axons that extend into each folia

10 DEMO SLIDE BOX 73b. Cat, cerebellum.

11 Slide # 198 (Ed904-182B). Cerebellum, donkey.



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