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Hidden Gems of SQL Server 2016

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1 Hidden Gems of SQL Server 2016
Denis Reznik Hidden Gems of SQL Server 2016

2 Thank you to our AWESOME sponsors!

3 About Me Denis Reznik Kyiv, Ukraine Data Architect at Intapp, Inc.
Microsoft Data Platform MVP Co-Founder of Ukrainian Data Community Kyiv (PASS Chapter) PASS Regional Mentor, Central and Eastern Europe Co-author of “SQL Server MVP Deep Dives vol. 2”

4 SQL Server 2016 Killer Features Hidden Features Query Store
Temporal Tables JSON PolyBase Stretch Database R Services Always Encrypted Hidden Features Statistics Auto-Update Input Buffers Lightweight Profiling Session Waits Functions Stats Query Hints

5 Statistics Auto-Update

6 ? Statistics SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Id BETWEEN 2100 AND 2500
800 2000 2800 4500 5400

7 Statistics Auto-Update
DEMO Statistics Auto-Update

8 Statistics Update SQL Server 2014 and lower default behavior:
20% of rows + 500 SQL Server 2016 Dynamic threshold for tables with rows TF 2371 for lower versions

9 Input Buffers

10 Input Buffers session_id = 65 SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Id = 123
EXEC = 1 session_id = 65 SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Id = 123 session_id = 65 Session 65 INPUT BUFFER: EXEC = 1 SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Id = 123

11 DEMO Input Buffers

12 Lightweight Profiling

13 Lightweight Profiling
SQL Server 2014 – sys.dm_exec_query_profiles SQL Server 2016/2014 SP1 – Live Query Statistics Enable LQS in SSMS SET STATISTICS XML ON SET STATISTICS PROFILE ON query_post_execution_showplan event SQL Server 2016/2014 SP2 - query_thread_profile event SQL Server 2016 SP1 – query_thread_profile/TF 7412 Lightweight query execution profiling Session Level Server Level

14 Lightweight Profiling
DEMO Lightweight Profiling

15 Session Waits

16 LCK_M_* Waits Schedulers Runnable Queue Users 2 3 2 1 Suspended Queue
Id Name 1 John Snow 2 Peter Partner 3 Jesse Pinkman 4 Jane Dow Id Name 1 John Snow 2 Peter Partner 3 Kirill Nenahov 4 Jane Dow 3 2 1 X S Suspended Queue 1 2 2 LCK_M_X 1 SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Name LIKE 'K%' LCK_M_X 2 UPDATE Users SET Name = 'Jesse Pinkman' WHERE Id = 3

17 DEMO Session Waits

18 Functions Stats

19 Scalar Functions

20 DEMO Functions Stats

21 Query Hints

22 Statistics SELECT * FROM Users u INNER JOIN Posts p ON u.Id = p.OwnerUserId WHERE u.DisplayName LIKE 'Jeff%' Users A G L S T ZZZZ Posts 1 800 2000 2800 4500 5400

23 DEMO Query Hints

24 SUMMARY Statistics Auto-Update Input Buffers Lightweight Profiling
Session Waits Functions Stats Query Hints

25 Thank You! Denis Reznik Twitter: @denisreznik
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