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11.3 The Louisiana Purchase (pt. 2) pp

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1 11.3 The Louisiana Purchase (pt. 2) pp. 364-366

2 Objective: Describe the explorations of the West.

3 Review: 1. What is the name of the famous house that Thomas Jefferson designed for himself? 2. What did Jefferson refer to his election as and why? 3. In his Inaugural Address, Jefferson said “We are all _________________, we are all ______________.” 4. Define laissez-faire— 5. Who was Jefferson’s Secretary of Treasury? 6. What were John Adams’s last-minute judicial appointments known as? 7. In which case did the Supreme Court claim for the first time that a law passed by Congress was unconstitutional? 8. Define judicial review— 9. Define precedent—

4 Review: 10. Identify the Louisiana Territory— 11. Define cede—
12. To which European nation did Spain cede the Louisiana Territory in 1800? 13. Who was the French dictator during the early 1800s? 14. What city were American diplomats authorized to buy for $2-10 million? 15. Who led a successful slave rebellion in Saint Domingue? 16. What did the rebels rename Saint Domingue? 17. For what two reasons did Napoleon decide to sell the entire Louisiana Territory to the U.S.? 18. For how much money did the U.S. purchase the Louisiana Territory? 19. How did the Louisiana Purchase affect the size of the United States? 20. Jefferson justified the Louisiana Purchase through his constitutional power to make _____________.

5 A. Lewis and Clark (pp ) To learn more about the Louisiana Purchase and discover a possible water route to the Pacific, Jefferson organized an expedition. This expedition, called the Corps of Discovery, was led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. The Lewis and Clark expedition set out from St. Louis in the spring of 1804, reached the Pacific in the late autumn of 1805, and returned in September 1806.

6 B. Sacajawea (pp ) The Lewis and Clark expedition encountered new plants, animals, and physical features—including the imposing Rocky Mountains—along the 8,000 miles of the journey. Assisting Lewis and Clark for much of their journey was a pregnant teenage Shoshone Indian woman named Sacajawea.

7 Sacajawea

8 C. Pike’s Peak (p. 366) Around this time Lieutenant Zebulon Pike was leading a smaller expedition to the upper Mississippi River. Pike did not find the source of the Mississippi, although he did learn much about the land and about British trade there. Later, in , Pike explored the Colorado region and sighted the tall mountain now known as Pike’s Peak.

9 D. The Duel (p. 366) When Jefferson won reelection in 1804, he chose George Clinton to replace Aaron Burr as his Vice President. Burr ran for governor of New York, but lost because Alexander Hamilton forcefully campaigned against him. Burr challenged Hamilton to a pistol duel and killed him on a July morning in 1804.

10 Review: 21. Who did Jefferson send to explore the Louisiana Purchase?
22. From what city did the expedition set out in the spring of 1804? 23. What Shoshone Indian woman acted as a guide and interpreter for the Lewis and Clark expedition? 24. How many miles did the Lewis and Clark expedition travel? 25. Who explored both the upper Mississippi River and Colorado region? 26. Who killed Alexander Hamilton in a pistol duel?

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