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Transitions – Growth & Change
Stages ADULT Young Adult BABY Middle Years ELEMENTARY
Understanding High School revised March 2014
BEFORE doing this presentation print off the NLSD ACADEMIC Planning Guide for each participant to be handed out latter in the presenations This is a presentation that helps Parents and Students understand the High School system as it is layed out by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education. The Ministry of Education makes the rules for the types of courses and the information a student needs to learn in those courses to pass or complete them NLSD as a public school division is obligated to follow the Sask. Ministry of Education directions.
High School is Different
These are the years of preparation for transitioning into adulthood There are many changes in high school. Students are required to take certain courses if they want to complete grade 12 recognized by the Ministry of Education. Most students are assigned a locker to keep their books and cloths. Each course may be with a different teacher in a different room This means carrying your books for those subjects you have in the morning and changing for the afternoon When a student enters high school in grade 10 they are expected to take on the responsibilities of young adulthood. No more will the student be treated like a child and so the student needs to understand how the bell system works. What the warning bell means and how much time this allows them to get to a class. How many lates add up to an absence and how many absences in each class are allowed before the student is let go out of that class – which means they have to take it over (if it is a core class) Students are now expected to take on the responsibilities of young adulthood. The High school Years are in preparation for transitioning into the adult world. So things like being on time becomes important (as it would be in most occupations) Attending classes is the only way to gain the information being presented and discussed for education to occur in the particular subject area being taught.
High School is organized = to be completed in 3 years
With each class passed a “provincial education credit “is provided – teachers must teach the curriculum and continue on whether a student is present or not. ATTENDANCE is essential: Being in class is a must to learn information Absences -- Outline policy Being late (add up to absences) School Terms – times of the year when students take classes So in fact a student could complete ten courses each school year. Attendance is important in high school because the information being learned are important for after high school. These courses prepare the young person for their adult lives.
High School and Decisions
Students entering High School need to begin to understand their themselves and what they want in their lives -- CAREER PATHS Then choose the classes -- to achieve those goals Your choices effect your post secondary life (after high school life). In high school students take courses and there are some courses that are compulsory or core (have to take) and then there are some that are called Electives – these are optional To obtain a grade 12 standing some courses are required and some are electives (optional) and there is a certain # of courses completed required. The Career Transition Teacher is at the school to help parents and teachers understand this system and help with course selection There are strict curriculum (things to be covered and completed in high school for a student to pass the course as set out by the Ministry of Education) A student’s goals are important. If a student plans to go to university or SIAST or Northlands for post secondary training then each program has certain high school course completion requirements. If a person has a certain job in mind they need to know what post secondary training or what high school courses are important to transition into that training or job.
The SASKATCHEWAN Educational Credit System
When a student successfully passes One course = l credit (100hrs instruction) Each passed course is sent into the Ministry of Education for their records. In High School when a student completes and passes a course they are given a credit which the school enters and the province tracks in the Provincial Educational Data System. This is recorded for all time and this is important to know the student has this record. These credits are important for the Ministry of Education to know what you have achieved in your high school studies.
To Complete Grade 12 for Graduation
To Graduate To Complete Grade 12 for Graduation Each student needs to pass at least 24 credits IT is the Sask. Ministry of Education that has set the requirements and the actual time for instruction in each subject area. For the Ministry to recognize accomplishment of grade 12 graduation the student must have completed and passed 24 credits (which include required courses and some elective courses)
Obtain these from the Ministry of Education
What is a Transcript? Obtain these from the Ministry of Education A transcript is an official record of course completion Transcripts are mailed to students once they have completed one 30 level or grade 12 course. Need these to prove completion of requirements for grade 12. These are an official document from the Sask. Ministry of Education that have an official record of the credits the student has completed and their marks. These are important when applying for Post Secondary Training such as at a college or at a University. Also these are important when applying for Scholarships.
The Ministry of Education has outlined for schools that
Some credits are required, must take them, others are electives choose according to the students interests. The Sask. Ministry of Education makes the rules regarding what classes are required and what are electives (optional)
High School Gr. 10-12 Programs
Regular Classes students considering university, college, and work Modified Classes – some students may need additional supports and adaptations to certain courses. The student would need to do the same class doing regular class work for a regular credit if considering many post secondary programs Alternate Program – students primarily preparing for the work force. There are various High School Programs and they are designed to meet different student needs.
Class Codes Grade 10 Complete At least 8 Grade 11 Complete At least 8
10 Level Courses Complete At least 8 Grade 11 20 Level Courses Complete At least 8 The courses at each grade level are given codes of 10 level, 20 level and 30 level High School is something like University Courses A student in grade 12 can take a 20 level course for example geology 20 or PAA 20 Or a student in grade 11 can take a 30 or 10 level course. However as we have mentioned at each grade 11 there are certain courses required Grade 12 30 Level Courses When add all the courses up from grade 10 must have at least 24 credits to complete grade 12
Required CREDITS TO Graduate Grade 12 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12
English A 10 English B10 Math Foundations or Workplace Science 10 Social Studies, History, Native Studies 10 English 20 Math 20 Math Foundations and/or Workplace English A 30 English B 30 Math –not required but encouraged Social Studies, History, Native Studies 30 At least 1 - Science Credit (but more are suggested) AND 1 Social Science Credit Grade 10 – Must pass the two English courses Must Complete at least one Math 10 class either the Foundations of Math & Pre Calculus Math 10 OR Workplace & Apprenticeship Math 10. If the student decides to take both then one is designated as an elective which is good to. (Use handout). Science 10, and then Social Studies or History or Native Studies 10 In GRADE electives– Remember electives are courses Not required but of interest to the student - so one of the Maths can be an elective, additional PAA classes or an Arts Ed course etc. In Grade 11, 12 things change a bit. The required classes are outlined. Just a note that at each grade 10, grade 11 and grade 12 at least 2 Practical and Applied Arts courses or Arts Ed Courses are required such as welding, or carpentry or food studies – describe some of these. . At least one Science course (Biology, Chemistry or Physics) but more are suggested because most post secondary courses require more science classes. And at least one ADDITIONAL Social Science (such a Sociology, Law, Economics, Geography and Psychology) - Also note that by the end of grade 12 the student must have taken at least 1 Health/ Phys Ed Wellness Class at the 10, 11 or 12 level - At the grade 11, 12 a student must have completed at least 6 electives (courses not required) (at the grade 11,12 level) – - Note that Math at the 30 Level is not required for graduation (these are electives)– So if you plan to go to work and not attend a post secondary school like a college or University or Apprenticeship - then it is not necessary. HOWEVER it is important to take 30 Level Maths depending on what post secondary program you wish to enroll in. Provide some samples of examples offered at your school. At least one Health/Phys Ed at grade 10 or 11 or 12 At least 2 Practical & Applied Arts or Arts Ed 3 electives at 10, 11, 12 level 6 Electives at the Grade 11, 12
There are two main Math Pathways in high school
Workplace And Apprenticeship Math Direct to job or Trades Apprenticeship Gr. 10 Gr. 11 Gr. 12 Describe the difference and the types of occupational post secondary programs these could lead into after high school. Might also provide the Math handout for parents included in your CT Binders. Post Secondary Programs or to job Math Foundations and Pre Calculus
Something to think about!!
Some post secondary programs require more Math and Science classes. Make sure you take the Math and Science classes you need to make it into the post secondary program you want. The School Career Transition Teacher will meet twice a year with each student to discuss career and course programming.
In High School Attend school regularly & on time
Do all assignments – they are worth marks Continue to build your personal career portfolio. Check out scholarships/awards Participate in sports and extra curricular clubs Volunteer Visit an Adult Career Centre Aim for the best grades! Coming to school is important as you cannot keep up or learn the information if you are not at school. If you do not understand something as the teacher. It is the teacher’s job to help you understand. Doing your homework is important because assignments are a big part of your final mark and you might not pass if assignments are not complete. Also that is how a student learns is through the assignments. Again if you do not know how to do the assignment ask the teacher after class or in class. The Career Portfolios are a way of learning about oneself. This is a collection of things you are interested in, things you do as well as likes, strengths and then applying this information to career searches, post secondary programs, scholarships and eventually to resumes etc. It is a lot of fun learning about all the strengths you have outside of school also. Getting involved in sports develops team work and again is a lot of fun. Volunteering is great to learn what you like and do not like while you are helping out. Volunteering is great for resume’s and for scholarship applications also. Visiting and adult Career Centre will help you to understand their services – Just ask what all they can do for you. Do your best in classes as your marks will be on your transcripts and are on record. This is an accomplishment
We are working together to prepare our youth for academic success
Questions ??? We are working together to prepare our youth for academic success
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