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English 10 - 1/9/12 Write everything you know about the topic you have chosen for your CBA. What do you call a Norwegian car? Piff – something insignificant,

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Presentation on theme: "English 10 - 1/9/12 Write everything you know about the topic you have chosen for your CBA. What do you call a Norwegian car? Piff – something insignificant,"— Presentation transcript:

1 English /9/12 Write everything you know about the topic you have chosen for your CBA. What do you call a Norwegian car? Piff – something insignificant, a trifle. Goals - Review Smart Chart. Begin on hooks. Homework – Finish first draft of hook. Don’t forget to study for vocabulary quiz #18. A Fjord

2 English 10 – 1/10/12 Write some information from your research that could fill in the parts of your Smart Chart and eventually go in your paper. Why do birds fly south for the winter? Noil – a knot of small hair or fiber. Goals - Complete check daily work, 1/3-1/6. Begin brainstorm of how to use the information you are collecting for the CBA. Homework – Fill in your smart chart for the issue and stakeholders. Thesis statement completed. I will be assigning points in class. Because it’s too far to walk.

3 English 10 – 1/11/12 Write a draft of your paragraph for human impact over time. What do you get when you eat onions and Beans? Doit – a trifle. This word occasionally shows up in crossword puzzles. Goals - Polish human impact over time paragraph. Work on transition to stake holders paragraph. Homework - Write a hand written or word processed document with your hook paragraph and human impact paragraph. I’ll be assigning points in class. Tear gas.

4 English /12/12 What are the most interesting facts You have learned about your CBA subject thus far? Where does satisfaction come from? Gry – an old, little used word for anything of little value; for instance, nail clippings. Goals - Complete stakeholders paragraphs. Begin work on the analysis paragraphs. Homework – Add the stake holders paragraph to the document with your previous two paragraphs. I’ll be assigning points tomorrow. Don’t forget to study for Vocabulary #18 tomorrow! A satisfactory.

5 English 10 - 1/13/12 Five minutes to prepare for vocab. #18.
Did you hear about the marriage between the two antennas? Punk hit – a short hit. Goals – Successfully complete Vocab. #18. Examine the sample essay analysis paragraphs. Homework - Try to write some analysis paragraphs. The wedding was terrible but the reception was great.

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