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Module 3, Unit 8, Session 4 The Planning Phase and Rares Role in your campaign (and yours)

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Presentation on theme: "Module 3, Unit 8, Session 4 The Planning Phase and Rares Role in your campaign (and yours)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Module 3, Unit 8, Session 4 The Planning Phase and Rares Role in your campaign (and yours)

2 Objective By the end of this session CFs will be clear on their roles and responsibilities in Communications with Rare Material & activity production / implementation Budget keeping, spending, reporting Blogging, reporting 2

3 Communication with Rare First point of contact PPM Communication at least once a week Communication PPM-CF-LAP ideally once a month, at a minimum once every 2 months Staff site visits quarterly 3

4 Work plan & Gantt chart Will be used as key tool in communication about: Campaign strategy and rationale for activities Budget allocation Reviewing status of activities implementation Adaptive management => Basis of weekly meeting with PPMs So need to be ready 4

5 5 Tab 3 – work plan Activity status Not started Started On track Delayed Completed Cancelled Days to complete self populates Comments from most recent call Was the activity changes in scope, timing, resources ?

6 6 RP milestone: upload an updated work plan every month First Friday of the month Work plan & Gantt chart ** 2011: 5 th Aug 2011, 9 th Sep, 7 th Oct, 11 th Nov, 9 th Dec, **2012: Jan 2012, 10 th Feb, 9 th Mar, 6 th Apr, 11 th May, 8 th Jun, 6 th July

7 Material and activity production & roll out You need sign off from your PPM before you can produce a material or roll out an activity 7 Rare staff are here to help you ensure that your materials and activities are effective and strategic. Make good use of your support structure!

8 RarePlanet Milestones! It is your responsibility to upload these in a timely fashion Blogging! Minimum 2 times a month There will be prizes at every quarterly retreat 8

9 Keep a record your monitoring data BR, BC, TR CR 9 Work plan & Gantt chart

10 Incognito 10 Please let us know in advance

11 Keep a record of what you have done in your campaign! 11 Work plan & Gantt chart

12 Keeping a record - Materials: Date designed and completed Messages supported Pretesting method and result Numbers distributed and produced Date when it was distributed (how often, where) Mini-market test: Results and lessons learned, including how it was measured Images of final product Photographs of it being used Blog !!!! 12

13 Activity description – agenda / outline / report N of activities conducted & dates N of people who attended Messages supported Pretesting method and result Photographs Mini-market test: Results and lessons learned, including how it was measured Blog !!!!! 13 Keeping a record - Activities:

14 Keeping a record – Mass media Medium N of broadcasts N people that saw / heard Result => Keep a media portfolio 14

15 Budget keeping, spending, reporting Budget allocation in your work plan Rough estimate of total allocation for whole campaign Precise allocation for coming 3 months 15

16 Budget keeping, spending, reporting Knowing how much you have left Starting point Rare funds 530,000 total: SM funds – 320,000Php BR funds – 210,000 Php Minus what you have already requested/spent Your counterpart 16

17 Keep all receipts and enter these in financial reporting form Make sure they are numbered, have the date, amount and specify which funds they are coming out of 17 Budget keeping, spending, reporting

18 Requesting funds Request the next batch of funds once you have spent 75% of previous batch by submitting report and receipts Check your counterpart before requesting funds. Your LAP may already have allocated funds for some of your activities Funds will be sent in 3 tranches (max 170,000Php in one batch) 18

19 Liquidation forms Different options: Use liquidation sheets that Rare has provided or continue using your own system Before you leave: Agree with your PPM on method! Establish how much you have spent, received and left! 19

20 Rare Core Funds SM BR

21 Reminder: Allowable SM Fund Expenses Materials and supplies Fabric and other props Copying and printing costs Design costs Artisan costs Studio time Singer's time Flipcharts/markers CD's and DVD's Community events or meeting costs (local travel & snacks for participants)

22 What are NOT SM core fund expenses Lodging costs (hotels) Transportation costs (including train/bus/air tickets, taxis, rental cars, gas, maintenance) Air costs (airport taxes, visa fees, local air fees) Communications (phone, fax, email fees) All meals (food or drink)

23 23 BR funds MPA Start up Costs Workshops and trainings: Organizational Development for MPA management committees MPA Evaluation and Assessment and introduction to the MPA Rating system Basic Law enforcement Law enforcement with boarding and basic apprehension techniques Law enforcement with development of Operations Plan MPA MPA Plan formulation (with Climate Smart considerations)

24 24 BR funds Infrastructure: Guardhouse / communications / outreach center Mooring buoys and installation Marker buoys Signage Boat (small engine, boat and safety equipment) Monitoring team Snorkels Enforcement paraphernalia - flashlight, uniforms, id's etc

25 25 BR funds Infrastructure: Guardhouse / communications / outreach center Mooring buoys and installation Marker buoys Signage Boat (small engine, boat and safety equipment) Monitoring team Snorkels Enforcement paraphernalia - flashlight, uniforms, id's etc honorarium (2 pax per day, 2 pax per night @5$) Gasoline for boat (2 liters per night) Maintenance (40% depreciation per annum on all infrastructure) Trainings and meetings

26 Liquidation forms Different options: Use liquidation sheets that Rare has provided or continue using your own system Before you leave: Agree with your PPM on method! Establish how much you have spent, received and left! 26

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