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Get Organised Workshop Maeve Gallagher

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1 Get Organised Workshop Maeve Gallagher
Student Learning Development Tel:

2 Learning Objectives To identify your own strengths and areas for improvement in terms of managing yourself and your resources. To explore and evaluate strategies to help you to effectively manage your time and commitments. To identify ways to engage actively in your study and identify clear objectives and outcomes.

3 Self Assessment – Organised study Methods
Complete the ‘Organised Study Methods’ checklist. Discuss in pairs/or trios how well you are doing and identify 2 areas you would like to improve. Feedback from groups

4 Questions I have organised my lecture notes and written notes (yes/no)
I know when and where I study best (y/n) I have a regular study routine and switch off for regular breaks, food, rest and exercise (y/n) I practice exam questions (timed/untimed) y/n I regularly revise my knowledge and progress (y/n)

5 Academic Performance Skill Will Self Management

6 Skills Academic Skills include: Reading and note taking
Critical Thinking and analysis Academic Writing Oral and written Presentation skills Gathering information Revision and exam taking skills.

7 Will ‘Will’ involves: Positive attitude and belief system
Creating meaningful motivators and rewards (e.g. “what’s in this for me?” and “what are the consequences if I don’t do this?”) Setting and reviewing SMART Goals Observing, recording and challenging negative beliefs and behaviours.

8 Self Management Self – Management involves managing your time, environment, resources and supports to maximise your performance and results, Strong self-management skills are associated with high academic achievement in third level students (e.g. Flynn, 2012). The good news is that anyone can improve their time and self-management skills.

9 Self- Management strategies
Managing and utilising all available time: Find a system of using time that works for you (e.g. Time-table, task-list or ‘goals on post-it notes’.) Set goals with a clear purpose and time-frame so you can answer the following question? “What will be different in an hours time from now when I have completed this task?” (E.g. what in terms of what I will know, understand, have written, produced or experienced)

10 Self-Management Strategies
Make use of small pockets of time as well as large chucks of time to increase productivity, concentration and purposefulness. Learn to skim read and scan information first to give you a framework of understanding before reading in more depth or detail. Learn to take meaningful notes rather than transcribing texts or information from books.

11 Critical Thinking and Reading
Ask questions (Ref: Critical Thinking – Plymouth University Model Descriptive or context setting Questions – E.g. Who? What? Where? When? Analytical Questions – E.g. Why? How? What Evidence? What alternatives? What is similar? What is different? What are the main points? Evaluation Questions –E.g. So what? What next? What else? What conclusions can be drawn?

12 Note-taking technique
Key words Main ideas Source/Reference My ideas /how this relates to my assignment? Academic procrastination, Relationship between procrastination and Beck et al (2000) , Academic Procrastination Findings support previous studies (e.g. Ferrari, 91,92) Self-handicapping Self- handicapping (.e.g. delaying study for exams until last Psych Info database (accessed 9th Jan 2013) On relationship between self-handicapping and Exam performance minute – in order to attribute test results to lack of time and effort rather than due to intelligence or ability levels.) Fragile self esteem. Next steps– can I find research suggesting interventions to use with students fitting this description?

13 Exam Preparation Be selective - ask lecturers/students in other years and refer to past papers and course handbook to decide what topics, information to prioritise. Use other senses (Visual, Auditory or experiential learning to revise information and make it memorable and easier to retrieve in an exam setting (e.g. VARK Learning Styles Self-Assessment Questionnaire). Practice past-exam questions (timed and untimed) as part of your revision process Rehearse and answer exam questions as though in exam conditions to improve your exam performance on the day.

14 Over to you What do I need to do next? When will I have done this by? What tasks are involved in completing this? How will I know if I’ve been successful?

15 Over to you What is my reward (what’s in it for me?) if I do this?
Who will I tell that I am going to do this and after I have completed it? What’s next?

16 Final words Good Luck From Student Learning Development
Please contact us if you would like further guidance Tel: Or

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