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Presentation on theme: "THE PRESENTATION TECHNIQUES"— Presentation transcript:

By. Amida Yusriana

2 A. A Brief When you do a presentation, there are often questions in the end of your presentation or even a pop up question in the middle of your session. You have to remember that you don’t have to answer every questions because sometimes there are questions that are not relevant to the topic

3 B. NOTED THINGS If the question relates to the topic, you have to show your gratitude first and then answer the question If the question is not relevant to the topic, you can explain by appologize, then ask for the next question without giving any bad impression the guest or you suggest him/her to ask the question to the right person Some question maybe are just a repetition. You don’t need to answer. You can ask him/her to relate it to the previous answer

Rephrasing technique Delaying technique Giving reference

5 1. Rephrasing Technique The aim of rephrasing are:
To make sure that you really understand what the question is To prolong the time for yourself to as quick as possible finding the right answer

6 Expression: I’m sorry, could you rephrase your question, please?
Sorry, but could you repeat your question again? Sorry, I didn’t catch your question. Can you repeat your question again? I already understand your question, can you give an example based on your question?

7 2. Delaying Technique This technique often uses when there’s a pop up question. Pop up question is the question that come in the middle of your presentation session. You can lead him/her to wait until the Q&A Session Say it politely so you will not give a bad impression

8 EXPRESSION I’m sorry. I’d rather not answer that question right now. Shall we talk at the end? I’d be glad to discuss that with you later. As time is short, may I continue my presentation and we can discuss it at the end of the session? I don’t think we should talk about it now. Can we leave it until later?

9 Expression... That’s a very good question, but let me answer it at the Q & A session. Is that all right? Thank you for your question. Can I answer it at the end of my presentation? That’s an interesting question. If you don’t mind. I’d prefer to answer it later. Let me finish this part of presentation

10 Expression... I’d prefer to leave that point for now, and I’ll be dealing with it specially later in my next part of presentation That’s an interesting point. Can I asnwer that after the presentation? Actually I don’t want to say anything about that at this stage. We’ll be discussing it at the next meeting in Bandung That’s a good question and I’ll be answering later after my presentation

11 C. Giving Reference This technique is using when there is unrelevant question. Sorry expression is needed in this situation Then you can give some reference

12 Expression I am afraid I am not in the position to answer that question. You should ask my branch manager Actually it’s not for me to comment on that. You should ask Mr. Handoko, our quality assurance manager That’s a good question. But, I suggest you address that question to Dr. Malikh I am sorry, but that’s not really part of today’s discussion

13 Expression... I am afraid it’s not a question I can answer. You can talk to Prof. Moore. He is an expert for the field I’m afraid it’s not a question I can answer. I suggest you speak to our area manager That is not actually within my area. You should speak to the production manager

14 Special Condition... If you cannot refer anyone to answer the question. These are the expression: I’m sorry, but that’s not really part of today’s main discussion in my presentation I’m sorry, but I’m afraid that is not really what I have been asked to talk about today I am really sorry; we’re not really covering that topic today

15 SPECIAL CONDITION... That’s not really what I meant in this discussion
I’m afraid I can’t give you a full answer right now I’m sorry I can’t answer your question right now, but I’d happy to talk to you personally after my presentation is over

16 NOTE! Be polite with all questioners, even if ther ask you difficult questions


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