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Moving towards inclusive transport

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1 Moving towards inclusive transport
Jim Hume Convener, National Rural Mental Health Forum @Rural_Wellbeing

2 Rural roads, transport and services:
Need a car to access anything Infrastructure is limited or poor - roads in very poor condition Limited access to, or absence of, services, including mental health, social and self-help groups Remoteness is a process that has increased over past 10 years because of reduced services and worsening transport Community transport projects often act as the “glue” that connect people to community projects, health services and each other Rural remoteness and isolation are linked to poor mental health “Recharging Rural” Report, 2018

3 Rural transport and mental ill health
Public transport is often a barrier to people with mental ill health receiving proper care Especially true for those experiencing: Suicidal thoughts and feelings (more than twice the number of people) Self-harming behaviour (more than 3x number of people) Majority of those experiencing mental ill health cannot talk about it in their own community. They need transport to: get somewhere where they CAN talk about it bring support to them People need: Better access to specialist support at a distance Improved access to local facilities A resource bus that visits people in their own communities, i.e. travelling services, to reduce stress of travel Community transport to overcome isolation and improve mental wellbeing National rural mental health survey, Scotland (2017)

4 What is the National Rural Mental Health Forum doing?
As a membership of over 55 rural and mental health organisations, we are increasing national and local coverage to address isolation caused by poor transport and reduced services Raising awareness of people’s challenges Exchanging knowledge of how individuals, groups and communities are already working to address transport challenges faced by those with mental ill health in rural Scotland Please tell us of good projects that you know in your area – thank you

5 Moving towards inclusive transport
Jim Hume Convener, National Rural Mental Health Forum @Rural_Wellbeing

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