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By Chief Excell Resumes.

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1 By Chief Excell Resumes

2 What is a Resume? a brief account of a person’s education, qualifications, and previous experience, typically sent with a job application.

3 Why is a Resume Important?
This is going to be your one and only chance to capture a potential employer's attention, or your resume will be tossed into the file of the “unimpressive”. The average employer only spends a few seconds looking at a resume, so it is imperative (SUPER DUPER IMPORTANT) that it makes an impression.

4 Tips for Writing… Emphasize your education: As a current student, you want to emphasize your education. Put your education information at the top of your resume. If you have a strong GPA, include this. Also list any academic awards, honors, or other achievements. Include volunteer and extracurricular experience: If you are a high school student, your work experience might be limited. Emphasize any other forms of work, including volunteer experience. Also include any extracurricular activities you participate in, including clubs, sports, and other organizations. Emphasize leadership experience: Employers are always looking for job applicants with leadership experience. If you were a captain for your sports team, or the vice president of your student council, be sure to list these positions. List your skills: Consider including a “Skills” section on your resume to include any skills you have that are related to the job. For example, you might list your computer skills, language skills, or soft skills.

5 More Tips for Writing a Resume…
Connect your resume to the job: Review the job posting before creating your resume. Circle any key qualifications or requirements of the job. Be sure to include in your resume any experiences and skills that show you are an ideal fit for the specific job. Edit, edit, edit: Thoroughly proofread your resume before submitting it to an employer. Make sure your format is consistent and easy to follow, and that you have no spelling or grammatical errors. Ask a friend or family member, career coach, or school guidance counselor to read through your resume. Use samples and templates: Reading resume samples is a great way to get ideas for the content of your resume. Templates can help you organize the information on your resume. While it’s a good idea to use resume templates and samples, be sure to tailor each one to fit your own work history, and the job for which you are applying.

6 Resume Creation Assignment:
As a high school student with limited work experience, it can be hard to know how to organize your resume, and what to include. By focusing on your education, volunteer, and extracurricular experience, you can craft a strong resume that will stand out to an employer. Use the resume builder to fill in the information and create a resume. Send a copy of your finished resume to Chief Excell.

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