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Short focal length target area: X-ray & ion sources and applications

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1 Short focal length target area: X-ray & ion sources and applications
- APOLLON CILEX – APOLLON Project Short focal length target area: X-ray & ion sources and applications

2 who is dedicated to address physics at unexplored power densities
A project by "laser and plasma labs" on Plateau de Saclay - APOLLON The goal is to develop new instruments in the interdisciplinary centre CILEX who is dedicated to address physics at unexplored power densities CEA-Saclay Université Paris Sud Soleil Orme des Merisiers 1km Ecole Polytechnique ENSTA Institut d'Optique 02/01/2019 2

3 Long focal area (electrons, X)
CILEX set up - APOLLON Cilex-apollon Long focal area (electrons, X) Apollon 10 P Laser UHI100 Laserix Exp UHI 100 Exp LASERIX Short focal area (ions, X) North Cilex-Phac

4 Reliability and stability
Laser parameters of the 4 beams to reach these scientific goals - APOLLON Multi beams To perform pump probe experiment and multi stage laser acceleration High repetition rate To adjust laser and experiment parameters To have enough statistics High contrast To be able to interact with the solid without pre-formed plasma Reliability and stability

5 Laser parameters of the 4 beams to reach these scientific goals
- APOLLON Energy & Pulse length F1: 150 J max, 15 fs – 5 ps, 400 mm dia. F2: 15 J, 15 – 200 fs, 140 mm dia. F3: Long Pulse: 200 J, 1 ns F4: Probe: 0.25 J, < 20 fs, 100 mm dia. Contrast of the short pulse with the plasma mirrors Pre-pulse/Pedestal: 1 x 1012 Polarization: s-polarized, p-polarized, and circularly polarized Pointing Stability: ± 1/5 focal spot diameter Spectral bandwidth: 720 – 920nm Central wavelength: 820nm

6 short focal-length area
APOLLON: laser bay and 2 experimental areas - APOLLON long focal-length area short focal-length area laser bay 02/01/2019 6

7 Catherine Le Blanc (LULI)
Apollon 10P laser - APOLLON Patrick Georges (LCFIO) Gilles Chériaux (LOA) Gabriel Mennerat (IRAMIS CEA) Catherine Le Blanc (LULI) Jean Luc Paillard (LULI) F1: 15fs @820nm Amplification section 1 nm 320 J 1 shot/mn Front End nm 100 mJ Hz BW for10fs Compressor 15fs @820nm 175 J Pump lasers @532 nm Diagnostics Experimental chamber Transport focusing Control command Beam Splitting expansion And wavefront correction Secondary Beams: F2, F3, F4 150 J 1 shot/mn

8 The power amplifier section :Optical lay-out
- APOLLON 5 multi-pass amplifiers based on TiSa crystals Each multipass amplifier output is relay imaged at the output of the next amplifier 02/01/2019

9 The CNE 400 pump laser (Continuum –National Energetics)
- APOLLON 800 J to -1shot/mn More than nm on 2 beams : 1shot/mn up to 0.1Hz Compact system : 6 m long Upgradable to J When using LBO SHG crystals On 4 smaller beams 02/01/2019

10 Beam separation and Beam expansion before the compressor
- APOLLON 15 fs 25-50 fs Deformable mirror And Tip Tilt Amplifiers output (φ 140mm) Beam expander (φ 400mm) Spatial filter Polarisation rotation mirrors

11 Short focal length target area
- APOLLON Plasma mirrors Switch out for circular polarization Beam Diagnostics F1 compressor F2 compressor

12 Experimental chamber Side View Top View
1.2 meter tall - APOLLON Top View 2.4 meter diameter chamber Main Short pulse beam 2nd short pulse beam I~2 x 1022 W/cm2 with SR=0.5 and 4.6 mm FWHM spot Imax=SR*8,3e22*E/FWHM(t)/FWHM(r)² F/2.5 parabola for F1 F/3 for F2

13 A catwalk will allow using the space beneath for vacuum equipment & target insertion
- APOLLON Example from LULI2000 chamber design ~2.5 m

14 Short focal length target area
- APOLLON Moveable F2 short pulse beam: 300° around TCC F2 F1 F1 Fixed F/3 parabola for F1 beam

15 Plans to reach the highest intensity
- APOLLON 1 x 1023 W/cm2 using an f/1 OAP BUT high damage probability high sensitivity to misalignment needs a very good wavefront 3.5 x 1023 W/cm2 using Ellipsoidal Plasma Mirror after focus, safe BUT low rep. rate

16 Planned in-house experimental diagnostics
- APOLLON Optical/x-rays X-ray pinhole cameras Interferometry Streak camera Higher harmonics detector Spectrometers Particle Electron spectrometer Ion spectrometer Thomson parabola

17 Budget plan - APOLLON

18 Planning GANTT - APOLLON 31/03/2015 02/01/2019

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