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The United States.

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1 The United States

2 Correct

3 Chapter 1 Looking at the Earth

4 Section 1 “The Five Themes of Geography”
Location Place Region Human Environment Interaction Movement

5 1. “The Geographer’s Perspective”
Geography: study of the physical and human features on the earth. Comes from geographia “to describe the earth”

6 2. Theme: “Location” Absolute Location: the exact place on earth where a geographic feature is found Latitude Longitude

7 The Geographic Grid Latitude: lines that run E to W
Longitude: lines that run N to S Equator: line that divides earth into N & S Prime Meridian: line divides earth into E & W Hemispheres

8 Relative Location Describes a place in comparison to other places around it. Example: the library is located three blocks west of the park.

9 3. Theme: “Place and Region”
Place: Includes both the physical and cultural characteristics of a location Region: an area of the earth’s surface with similar characteristics Formal- limited number of characteristics (Europe) Functional- organized by connections (L.A. and Redlands) Perceptual- believed to be similar, but not always true (the Midwest)

10 4. Theme: “Human Environment Interaction”
Relationship between humans and their environment Ex: people adding sandbags to river banks to prevent flooding

11 5. Theme: “Movement” The ways that people, ideas, and goods move from place to place Linear distance Time distance Psychological distance

12 Linear Distance: How far across the earth a person, idea, product travels Measured in: Inches Feet miles

13 Time Distance: Amount of time it takes for a person, idea, or product to travel Measured in Seconds Minutes Hours

14 Psychological Distance:
Refers to the way that people view distance.

15 Section 2 The Geographer’s Tools

16 Globes Three-dimensional representation of the earth Advantage:
Shape and size are true Disadvantage: globes are not easily portable

17 Maps Advantage: Disadvantage:
Standard Map Advantage: Easily portable Disadvantage: 2D Distortion occurs when the earth is flattened to create the map

18 Cartographer A person who makes maps

19 Map Projection Drawings of the earth that reduce distortion

20 Topographic Map A representation of natural and man-made features on the earth.

21 Map making: “Surveying”
the observation, measurement, and recording of what is seen in a specific area.

22 “Satellites” Today, geographers rely on satellites to provide data
Landsat: series of satellites that orbit the earth GOES: Geostationary Operational Environment Satellite gathers info for weather forecasts.

23 3. GIS Geographic Information System
Stores info about the world in a digital database

24 4. GPS Global Positioning System is a series of 24 Navstars satellites to help people know where they are on the earth

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