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AD16WM Workspace Management Lecturer: Daniel Wong MBA, MSc, BBus

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Presentation on theme: "AD16WM Workspace Management Lecturer: Daniel Wong MBA, MSc, BBus"— Presentation transcript:

1 AD16WM Workspace Management Lecturer: Daniel Wong MBA, MSc, BBus

2 Lecture title: The principles involved in developing a space strategy.
Lecture number 3 Lecture title: The principles involved in developing a space strategy.

3 In this session… In this session we will consider, ‘how is a space strategy developed’.

4 Learning outcomes At the end of this session you should be able to:
The learning outcomes of this session 1. Analyse knowledge and information management on space allocation in offices and buildings. 3. Develop a strategy for space allocation in offices and buildings.

5 What does a space plan look like?

6 Client Requirements Examples of general client requirements in office buildings are: Occupation density 1 person per 10 to 15m2 Useable floor area :Total area 80 to 90% typically Floor to floor zone 3.6 to 4.2m Floor to ceiling zone 2.7 to 3m typically Imposed loading 2.5 to 5kN/m2 Fire resistance 30 to 120 minutes. Source: British Council for Offices

7 Current Provision • Unique xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxx the heart of the city. • staff breakout and dining. • The right size for your business, however that may change over the coming years. • Open plan, flexible office space. • Deliverable category A, B and C turnkey solution • You can be right sized, changed and reinvigorated sooner than any other Grade A office space in Wherever • We have a highly experience and dedicated team to deliver the solution for you. We are funded, well resourced and ready to go. • The option to have first refusal over the remaining space and the option to upsize to 80,000sqft if your requirement changes.

8 Client’s Brief For example: 415 No. Staff Positions – Similar;
14 No. Client Meeting Rooms Varying Sizes and Some with Flexible Capacity for alternate uses and Client Spaces; New working Philosophy for Business Services; 5 No. Flexible Internal Meeting & Breakout Spaces, Pods, introduction of more Collaborative Meeting Spaces, Phone Booths, Case Rooms, etc.. Rolling Refurbishment –Culminating in Three and a half Working Floors (Ground – half third Inclusive.)

9 Staff Numbers

10 LJMU Workplace Intelligence Model

11 How do we plan to refurbish? What level of refurbishment is necessary?

12 The level of refurbishment necessary is based upon 2 factors:
The buildings performance The buildings condition

13 The level of maintenance/refurbishment necessary is based upon 2 factors:
The buildings performance The buildings condition This is Building Pathology- how is the building constructed, what is its use and how will it be maintained?

14 The condition needs to be recorded to ascertain the following key factors:
1/ The level of repair; 2/ The remaining life of the element; This needs to be objectively communicated and therefore it follows the Building Cost Information Service (BCIS) categories: A = As new B = Serviceable State of Repair C = Operational but requiring major repair or upgrading D = Inoperable, unsafe or at risk of immediate failure.

15 2/ The remaining life of the element;
The condition needs to be recorded to ascertain the following key factors: 1/ The level of repair; 2/ The remaining life of the element; The tables indicate the varying life expectancies of components based upon condition and priority. Condition Life Remaining In Years Building Services A 60 20 B 20-60 6-20 C 3-20 1-6 D 0-3 0-1 Priority Action 1 Immediate 2 Urgent-serious defects 3 Required 4 Desirable The remaining life is a professional subjective call, based on no works being undertaken and should be continually reviewed.

16 Decorative Cycles LJMU have stated that the redecorating cycles are as follows: Cycle Area Usage Every 3 years Circulation Teaching Every 5 years Office Every 5 Years External

17 What Are We going to Focus On?

18 Summary The cost of corporate property is the second highest corporate expense after payroll. Understanding organisations and their space requirements can significantly reduce costs and increase productivity.

19 Next session In next week’s lecture we will consider and discuss:
Technology to assist in planning and managing space.

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