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Air Force Suicide Prevention

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Presentation on theme: "Air Force Suicide Prevention"— Presentation transcript:

1 Air Force Suicide Prevention

2 Overview Historical Data Identifying Individuals Who Might be at Risk
Sources of Help Ways to Respond What Prevents People from Seeking Help? Disaster Mental Health Response Team Key Takeaways 7 7

3 Historical Data The Air Force and Suicide Prevention Program (AFSPP)
Suicides increased in early 1990’s AFSPP created in 1996 3 3

4 Historical Data AF Suicide Facts
From , 2990 service members died by suicide while on active duty. 517 of those were Airmen 9 AD AF suicides in first quarter of 2013 25 AD AF suicides in first quarter of 2014 3 3

5 Historical Data White males were the largest group to commit suicide
Predominate marital status of those that committed suicide—single never married and married Primary age group included year olds 3 3

6 Identifying Individuals Who Might be at Risk
1 1

7 Video - “Warning Signs”

8 Risk Factors Relationship stress Mental health problems
Financial stress Significant sleep problems Legal problems History of attempts Negative social interactions Major life transitions Substance abuse Recent loss Academic and other life failures Sense of being a burden to others Hopelessness 2 2

9 Protective Factors Self-efficacy Sense of optimism
Willingness to talk about problems Sense of belonging to a group and/or organization Strong Social/community/family support Belief that it is okay to ask for help Spiritual/religious affiliation Easily accessible helping resources 3 3

10 Indicators “I” May Need Help
High or persistent stress leading to problems in everyday living Difficulty coping Difficulty functioning Thoughts about suicide 3 3

11 Knowing When Someone Needs Help Person has a suicide plan
Writes or talks about death/dying/suicide Can’t sleep and acts impulsively Feels hopeless Doesn’t see a future without pain Feels trapped as though nothing will help Experiences tremendous guilt or shame Sees themselves as worthless or a failure Can’t get out of a depression 3 3

12 Domains of Resiliency Physical Fitness Mental Fitness Social Fitness
Spiritual Fitness 4 4

13 Sources of Help Integrated Delivery System (IDS)
Community Sources of Support Family, friends, supervisors/leaders Chaplain Services Airmen & Family Readiness Center Area Defense Counsel (ADC) Mental Health Clinic Family Advocacy Program Alcohol Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment (ADAPT) Program Suicide Prevention Hotline: TALK Suicide Online Chat: 911 5 5

14 Ways to Respond 6 6

15 Video - “Best Friend”

16 When You are Concerned Think ACE A - Ask your wingman
Have the courage to ask the question, but stay calm Ask the question directly: "Are you thinking of killing yourself?" C - Care for your wingman Calmly control the situation, do not use force, be safe Actively listen to show understanding and produce relief Remove any means that could be used for self-injury E - Escort your wingman Never leave your buddy alone Escort to chain of command, Chaplain, behavioral health professional, or primary care provider Call the Suicide Prevention hotline: (TALK

17 Helpful Approaches Ask about suicide Describe what you are seeing
Be honest and direct Share your concerns Use open-ended questions LISTEN- pay attention to their emotions Express care and hope for them Share community sources of support Tell them about times you sought help 6 6

18 Video - “Suicide Situation”

19 Unhelpful Responses 6 6

20 Unhelpful Responses Don’t: Give advice Be judgmental Lecture or debate
Dare someone to do it Act shocked Promise secrecy

21 Intervention Call for professional assistance
Call the CC and First Sergeant Do not leave them alone Remove all potential means of self-harm Involve Security Forces if necessary to protect person Rely on the advice of Mental Health Have sufficient personnel if ambulance isn’t available Provide feedback

22 Intervention Cont’d Only commander can direct evaluation
Commander consults with Judge Advocate General Commander consults with mental health provider Mental health provider evaluates person Ensures member gets appropriate help

23 What Prevents People from Seeking Help?
6 6

24 Video - “One-Sided Argument”

25 What Prevents People From Seeking Help?
Denial Avoidance Fear seeking help will impact job Confidentiality 4 4

26 Confidentiality Information typically only shared with CC and/or First Sergeant Contact is usually to answer questions regarding safety, fitness for duty, and to enlist the command as a resource to assist the Airman Minimal info placed in medical record, no medical info placed in personnel record 4 4

27 Confidentiality If not worldwide qualified for deployment, Airman is put on temporary medical profile so they can complete treatment Commanders and First Sergeants are assets in addressing scheduling issues to allow members to pursue help and collaborating with Airmen in finding resources to address work/family issues 4 4

28 Disaster Mental Health (DMH) Response Team
DMH is a coordinated response initiated by unit leaders in which the DMH team provides psychological first aid to those who may have had direct exposure to an all-hazard incident An all-hazard incident, natural or manmade, serious enough to warrant action to protect life, property, health, and safety of military members, dependents, and civilians at risk, and minimize any disruptions of installation operations 4 4

29 DMH Response Team The DMH Response Team consists of:
Mental Health Personnel Religious Support Team (RST) Airman and Family Readiness Others as Needed 4 4

30 Key Takeaways Suicide prevention is everyone’s responsibility
Help create a Wingman Culture that encourages early help seeking Being connected to others saves lives Suicide is not prevented in the hospital emergency room—it is prevented in the unit 4 4

31 Summary Historical Data Identifying Individuals Who Might be at Risk
Sources of Help Ways to Respond What Prevents People from Seeking Help? Disaster Mental Health Response Team Key Takeaways 7 7

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