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I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e

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Presentation on theme: "I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e"— Presentation transcript:

1 I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e
Air Force Network Operations (AFNetOps) with an Enterprise IT Service Desk (ESD) Focus Mr. Chris Logan HQ AETC/A6XX I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e 1

2 Overview AFNetOps Vision AFNetOps Overview Roles and Responsibilities
Standard Level of Service CSAs Role in AFNetOps ESD Migration Path

3 What is AFNetOps? Air Force Network Operations provides:
One Air Force, One Network Command and control of all AF enterprise terrestrial, space, and airborne networks Consolidation of network resources Centralized network management Increased network security

4 AFNetOps Overview Constructs and Functions
AFNOC Barksdale Air Force Network Operations Center (AFNOC) Ensures AF networks are capable of conducting, supporting and advancing coalition, joint, AF, and interagency operations Directs actions of I-NOSC and Enterprise Service Units I-NOSC 83 NOS - Langley 561 NOS - Peterson ESU Langley, Peterson, Ramstein, Hickam APC Scott, Andrews, Gunter (others TBD) Air Force Network Operations Center (AFNOC) = Ensures AF networks are capable of conducting, supporting and advancing coalition, joint, AF, and interagency operations. Directs actions of I-NOSC and Enterprise Service Units. Integrated Network Operations and Security Center (I-NOSC) = Provides situational understanding to the AFNOC; remotely administers network transport equipment; remotely administers network defense equipment; directs scheduled touch maintenance; executes AFNOC NTO; centrally managed Core IT Services Enterprise Service Unit (ESU) = Provides remote system administration of , file, and other core network services. Area Processing Center/Capability (APC) = Provides central storage of servers. Enterprise IT Service Desk (ESD) = one help desk for CSAs support to the customer (account creations, basic network trouble shooting) Communications Focal Point (CFP) = the focal point for all AFNetOps inject into the base. Network Control Center (NCC) = Responsible for “touch maintenance”, maintaining special base functional systems, and responsible for the last 400 feet (basic network maintenance). They will action I-NOSC tasking as required. ESD Lackland, Ramstein, Gunter, Hickam CFP All Bases NCC All Bases

5 AFNetOps Overview Constructs and Functions
AFNOC Barksdale Integrated Network Operations and Security Center (I-NOSC) Provides situational understanding to the AFNOC Remotely administers network transport equipment Remotely administers network defense equipment Directs scheduled touch maintenance Executes AFNOC Network Tasking Order (NTO) Centrally managed Core IT Services I-NOSC 83 NOS - Langley 561 NOS - Peterson ESU Langley, Peterson, Ramstein, Hickam APC Scott, Andrews, Gunter (others TBD) Air Force Network Operations Center (AFNOC) = Ensures AF networks are capable of conducting, supporting and advancing coalition, joint, AF, and interagency operations. Directs actions of I-NOSC and Enterprise Service Units. Integrated Network Operations and Security Center (I-NOSC) = Provides situational understanding to the AFNOC; remotely administers network transport equipment; remotely administers network defense equipment; directs scheduled touch maintenance; executes AFNOC NTO; centrally managed Core IT Services Enterprise Service Unit (ESU) = Provides remote system administration of , file, and other core network services. Area Processing Center/Capability (APC) = Provides central storage of servers. Enterprise IT Service Desk (ESD) = one help desk for CSAs support to the customer (account creations, basic network trouble shooting) Communications Focal Point (CFP) = the focal point for all AFNetOps inject into the base. Network Control Center (NCC) = Responsible for “touch maintenance”, maintaining special base functional systems, and responsible for the last 400 feet (basic network maintenance). They will action I-NOSC tasking as required. ESD Lackland, Ramstein, Gunter, Hickam CFP All Bases NCC All Bases

6 AFNetOps Overview Constructs and Functions
AFNOC Barksdale Enterprise Service Unit (ESU) Provides remote system administration of , file, and other core network services I-NOSC 83 NOS - Langley 561 NOS - Peterson ESU Langley, Peterson, Ramstein, Hickam APC Scott, Andrews, Gunter (others TBD) Air Force Network Operations Center (AFNOC) = Ensures AF networks are capable of conducting, supporting and advancing coalition, joint, AF, and interagency operations. Directs actions of I-NOSC and Enterprise Service Units. Integrated Network Operations and Security Center (I-NOSC) = Provides situational understanding to the AFNOC; remotely administers network transport equipment; remotely administers network defense equipment; directs scheduled touch maintenance; executes AFNOC NTO; centrally managed Core IT Services Enterprise Service Unit (ESU) = Provides remote system administration of , file, and other core network services. Area Processing Center/Capability (APC) = Provides central storage of servers. Enterprise IT Service Desk (ESD) = one help desk for CSAs support to the customer (account creations, basic network trouble shooting) Communications Focal Point (CFP) = the focal point for all AFNetOps inject into the base. Network Control Center (NCC) = Responsible for “touch maintenance”, maintaining special base functional systems, and responsible for the last 400 feet (basic network maintenance). They will action I-NOSC tasking as required. ESD Lackland, Ramstein, Gunter, Hickam CFP All Bases NCC All Bases

7 AFNetOps Overview Constructs and Functions
AFNOC Barksdale Area Processing Center/Capability (APC) Provides central storage of servers and other core network applications Will operate under the control of the INOSC/ESU structure I-NOSC 83 NOS - Langley 561 NOS - Peterson ESU Langley, Peterson, Ramstein, Hickam APC Scott, Andrews, Gunter (others TBD) Air Force Network Operations Center (AFNOC) = Ensures AF networks are capable of conducting, supporting and advancing coalition, joint, AF, and interagency operations. Directs actions of I-NOSC and Enterprise Service Units. Integrated Network Operations and Security Center (I-NOSC) = Provides situational understanding to the AFNOC; remotely administers network transport equipment; remotely administers network defense equipment; directs scheduled touch maintenance; executes AFNOC NTO; centrally managed Core IT Services Enterprise Service Unit (ESU) = Provides remote system administration of , file, and other core network services. Area Processing Center/Capability (APC) = Provides central storage of servers. Enterprise IT Service Desk (ESD) = one help desk for CSAs support to the customer (account creations, basic network trouble shooting) Communications Focal Point (CFP) = the focal point for all AFNetOps inject into the base. Network Control Center (NCC) = Responsible for “touch maintenance”, maintaining special base functional systems, and responsible for the last 400 feet (basic network maintenance). They will action I-NOSC tasking as required. ESD Lackland, Ramstein, Gunter, Hickam CFP All Bases NCC All Bases

8 AFNetOps Overview Constructs and Functions
AFNOC Barksdale Enterprise IT Service Desk (ESD) One help desk for CSAs support to the customer Account creations Basic network trouble shooting One call, one number, one trouble ticket I-NOSC 83 NOS - Langley 561 NOS - Peterson ESU Langley, Peterson, Ramstein, Hickam APC Scott, Andrews, Gunter (others TBD) Air Force Network Operations Center (AFNOC) = Ensures AF networks are capable of conducting, supporting and advancing coalition, joint, AF, and interagency operations. Directs actions of I-NOSC and Enterprise Service Units. Integrated Network Operations and Security Center (I-NOSC) = Provides situational understanding to the AFNOC; remotely administers network transport equipment; remotely administers network defense equipment; directs scheduled touch maintenance; executes AFNOC NTO; centrally managed Core IT Services Enterprise Service Unit (ESU) = Provides remote system administration of , file, and other core network services. Area Processing Center/Capability (APC) = Provides central storage of servers. Enterprise IT Service Desk (ESD) = one help desk for CSAs support to the customer (account creations, basic network trouble shooting) Communications Focal Point (CFP) = the focal point for all AFNetOps inject into the base. Network Control Center (NCC) = Responsible for “touch maintenance”, maintaining special base functional systems, and responsible for the last 400 feet (basic network maintenance). They will action I-NOSC tasking as required. ESD Lackland, Ramstein, Gunter, Hickam CFP All Bases NCC All Bases

9 AFNetOps Overview Constructs and Functions
AFNOC Barksdale Communications Focal Point (CFP) Hands-on computer maintenance The focal point for all AFNetOps inject into the base I-NOSC 83 NOS - Langley 561 NOS - Peterson ESU Langley, Peterson, Ramstein, Hickam APC Scott, Andrews, Gunter (others TBD) Air Force Network Operations Center (AFNOC) = Ensures AF networks are capable of conducting, supporting and advancing coalition, joint, AF, and interagency operations. Directs actions of I-NOSC and Enterprise Service Units. Integrated Network Operations and Security Center (I-NOSC) = Provides situational understanding to the AFNOC; remotely administers network transport equipment; remotely administers network defense equipment; directs scheduled touch maintenance; executes AFNOC NTO; centrally managed Core IT Services Enterprise Service Unit (ESU) = Provides remote system administration of , file, and other core network services. Area Processing Center/Capability (APC) = Provides central storage of servers. Enterprise IT Service Desk (ESD) = one help desk for CSAs support to the customer (account creations, basic network trouble shooting) Communications Focal Point (CFP) = the focal point for all AFNetOps inject into the base. Network Control Center (NCC) = Responsible for “touch maintenance”, maintaining special base functional systems, and responsible for the last 400 feet (basic network maintenance). They will action I-NOSC tasking as required. ESD Lackland, Ramstein, Gunter, Hickam CFP All Bases NCC All Bases

10 AFNetOps Overview Constructs and Functions
AFNOC Barksdale Network Control Center (NCC) Responsible for “touch maintenance” (as directed by I-NOSC or ESU) Maintains special base functional systems Responsible for the last 400 feet (basic network maintenance) Action I-NOSC tasking as required. I-NOSC 83 NOS - Langley 561 NOS - Peterson ESU Langley, Peterson, Ramstein, Hickam APC Scott, Andrews, Gunter (others TBD) Air Force Network Operations Center (AFNOC) = Ensures AF networks are capable of conducting, supporting and advancing coalition, joint, AF, and interagency operations. Directs actions of I-NOSC and Enterprise Service Units. Integrated Network Operations and Security Center (I-NOSC) = Provides situational understanding to the AFNOC; remotely administers network transport equipment; remotely administers network defense equipment; directs scheduled touch maintenance; executes AFNOC NTO; centrally managed Core IT Services Enterprise Service Unit (ESU) = Provides remote system administration of , file, and other core network services. Area Processing Center/Capability (APC) = Provides central storage of servers. Enterprise IT Service Desk (ESD) = one help desk for CSAs support to the customer (account creations, basic network trouble shooting) Communications Focal Point (CFP) = the focal point for all AFNetOps inject into the base. Network Control Center (NCC) = Responsible for “touch maintenance”, maintaining special base functional systems, and responsible for the last 400 feet (basic network maintenance). They will action I-NOSC tasking as required. ESD Lackland, Ramstein, Gunter, Hickam CFP All Bases NCC All Bases

11 AFNetOps Overview How AFNetOps Works
AFNOC AFNOC directs the I-NOSC to implement a network security change I-NOSC pushes changes on the network to the base NCCs if unable to do remotely Base NCCs implement changes to network as directed by the I-NOSC I-NOSC APC ESU ESD Examples on how AFNetOps works: AFNOC directs the I-NOSC to implement a network security change I-NOSC pushes changes on the network to the base NCCs if I-NOSC cannot implement at base level Base NCCs implement changes to network as directed by the I-NOSC A customer contacts the ESD with a problem The ESD trouble shoots it The ESD then forwards to the CFP for final resolution if solution requires hands on CFP goes to customer and resolves issue CFP NCC

12 AFNetOps Overview How AFNetOps Works
AFNOC Customer contacts the CSA with problem The CSA trouble shoots initial problem and contacts ESD if unable to resolve ESD trouble shoots/assists with CSA problem ESD forwards to CFP for final resolution if solution requires hands on Technician CFP goes to customer and resolves issue I-NOSC APC ESU CSA assists customer with computer issue ESD Examples on how AFNetOps works: AFNOC directs the I-NOSC to implement a network security change I-NOSC pushes changes on the network to the base NCCs if I-NOSC cannot implement at base level Base NCCs implement changes to network as directed by the I-NOSC A customer contacts the CSA with a problem CSA trouble shoot issue and then contacts ESD if they need assistance The ESD trouble shoots it The ESD then forwards to the CFP for final resolution if solution requires hands on CFP goes to customer and resolves issue Eventaully the ESD will take customer calls direct and the CFP will maintain the pool of base computer experts (CSAs) CFP NCC

13 AFNetOps Workload Transition
I-NOSCs/ESUs (Langley / Peterson) MAJCOM Comm Coord Center MCCC Enterprise IT Service Desk (4 Locations) ESUs (Ramstein / Hickam) APCs Comm Squadron MAJCOM Base Level Manpower Draws Down Slide reflects basic AFNetOps construct ESD is expected to be at 4 locations: 2 CONUS and 2 overseas Aprox 11 APCs 2 I-NOSCs, 4 ESUs As AFNEtOps matures, functions will transition from base NCCs leaving only a “touch maintenance” technician pool Some MAJCOMs will retain their MCCC for MAJCOM unique applications Base Level NCC Boundary Protection Infrastructure Mgmt Core IT Services Local Touch Maintenance in central location, reducing NCC to “Lights Dim” operations MAJCOM Apps Help Desk 3A, 3C, 2E Functions

14 Roles and Responsibilities
Users Boundary Core Services Core Devices Core Infrastructure Network Administration Application Services Problem I-NOSC/ESU or Detachments CSA/FSA T i e r 2 ESD Tier 1 Touch MX of APC APC MCCC MAJCOM Unique Base Unique Touch MX NCC (CFP) Migrates objective CS help desk workload 14 14

15 Standard Level of Service
Remote Admin ESD Account Mgmt Network Connectivity Webmail Access Change Requests Instant Messaging SDC Configuration VPN Client AF Portal Admin Anti Virus Client Active Client/PKI Microsoft Exchange Distribution Lists Printer PDA/Mobile Mail Devices TS, etc Voice (Phones, cell phones, LMRs, STEs, VTC, etc) SIPRNet and NIPRNet Data (PCs, PDAs, accounts) One number, one trouble ticket, 24/7 support

16 Standard Level of Service
CSA still user’s first contact—initial troubleshooting Provides 24/7 (365 days) support for NIPR/SIPR Ensures accuracy of info in TT Perform remote desktop administration/assistance Conducts trouble shooting measures based on type of ticket for problem resolution Closes satisfactorily resolved tickets owned by ESD Maintain knowledge base Maintain situational awareness of network activities Provide notification to appropriate entities 16

17 CSAs Role in AFNetOps Account/Network Management
User accounts will migrate into the AFNet User accounts management process will change NCC’s no longer create user accounts—AFDS is authority ESD will create, modify, delete accounts CSAs will have limited DRA responsibility/access Core network services will migrate into the AFNet Exchange/ Services Messaging Services SharePoint Services Web Services Network drives will remain the same Mapping will be copied during migration of local accounts Servers/SAN will migrate to AFNet at later date

18 ESD Migration Path Virtualization between all ESD sites
FY08 Follow IMS FY09 Follow IMS FY10 Follow IMS FY11 Follow IMS 691,000 users supported USAFE Theater PACAF Theater Virtualization between all ESD sites San Antonio, Ramstein, Hickam and Gunter 18 18

19 AFNetOps ESD POCs Mr. Ed Willson, DSN Mr. Chris Logan, DSN Ms. Alicia Marshall, DSN Mr. Hank Polk, DSN Capt Dan Melott, DSN TSgt Scott Branham, DSN Ms. Wilsu Jiva, DSN

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