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The 1-2-3 Punch In the past, we’ve referred to waiFIT as the 1-2-3 punch approach – because waiFIT employs three unique methods for fighting weight gain.

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Presentation on theme: "The 1-2-3 Punch In the past, we’ve referred to waiFIT as the 1-2-3 punch approach – because waiFIT employs three unique methods for fighting weight gain."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Punch In the past, we’ve referred to waiFIT as the punch approach – because waiFIT employs three unique methods for fighting weight gain Unlike other programs that fall short on delivering on their promises, waiFIT stands strong and delivers. Here’s three simple reasons waiFIT has helped Waiora Members and customers reach their goal weight: <transition>

2 Kickstart Your Digestive System
Your 7-day head start Cleanse your system and help your body process food more efficiently. waiFIT kick starts your digestive tract into action during the first week which is great, because you start seeing results and gain momentum right out of the gates to stay the course. Folks, this is not a bad way to start your weight-loss efforts and because the cleansing action of the capsules has been so incredibly effective, we are now selling this in a one-months supply. Even better, we’ve brought them with us so you can purchase your pack today. waiFIT cleanse is the Same great product you’re used to in the cleanse start pack It is sold exclusively in a 2-pack And In addition to helping cleanse, the capsules are a Great, safe way to help keep you regular <transition>

3 Rev-Up Your Metabolism
Start your engines with Burn. Energize your body’s ability to shed inches and drop pounds. waiFIT Revs up your body’s natural fat-burning, Kicking your metabolism and energy levels into overdrive– allowing your body to start burning fat right away. <transition>

4 Start Cheating Day One The rich Dutch Chocolate and creamy French Vanilla flavors allow you to feel satisfied and put cravings to rest. Because the waiFIT Meal Replacement shakes are so delicious and creamy– you feel full but never guilty because the shakes give you everything your body craves, without skimping on taste. Isn’t it Nice to be satisfied without worrying that you’ve blown your diet? I think so. And now the moment you’ve been waiting for. <transition>

5 The Knock Out If cleanse start, burn and meal replacement deliver your punch- Than this new product, is definitely your secret weapon, and based on what I know about the menu this evening, a product you want to make your friend immediately. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you waiFIT Block2. <transition>

6 Go Ahead – It’s Okay Wave goodbye to your strict no-carb, no-fat, no-fun diet, and say hello to your new best friend… waiFIT Block2 With Block2 you can breathe a little easier when it comes to eating carbs and fats– go ahead have a piece of bread, eat a small bowl of pasta – with Block2 you can have some fun Now just so we’re clear, Block2 doesn’t give you a license to go crazy, but it should leave you feeling a little less guilty about indulging. <transition>

7 Diets Leave Us Feeling …
But with Block2 we are less hungry and have less cravings. If we give into temptation, Block2 is there to block the fats and starches! I think we can all relate to how miserable some diets make us feel. They can leave us feeling hungry and vulnerable to cravings. This is where Block2 steps in and makes all the difference--aiding in appetite control and in regulating our blood sugar levels so that we are better equipped to fight off cravings. The best part, is if we do give into the occasional indulgence, Block2 is there to minimize the absorption of fats and starches before they unkindly attach themselves to our hips, thighs and buttocls. <transition>

8 Is it True? waiBlock Blend Neutralize-Enhancer Complex
Prickly Pear Extract White Kidney Bean Extract Potato Protein Extract Neutralize-Enhancer Complex Gymnema Sylvestre Leaf Extract Banaba Leaf Extract Having heard this, some of you are saying to yourself, this is too good to be true… are there really ingredients out there that let me eat the occasional slice of pizza, drink the occasional pina coloda or indulge in the occasional chicken wing. The point is, there are many of these types of ingredients, but we have only combined and brought the best, most-effective blockers to you. Let’s review a few of the most important ingredients.. <transition>

9 Prickly Pear Cactus Extract
This is the superhero extract that keeps fat from going to your hips and thighs. See why we call it your new Best Friend… When it comes Block2, we consider the Prickly pear cactus the super hero of this formula and as such, you will soon call it your best friend. So how does it help keep fat off your problem areas? Well, It relies on the insoluble fibers in fruit to interact with the fat. Simply put, the extract seeks out the fat from foods, enveloping it with a fluid- like gel to keep it from being absorbed. Once your brain gets the message that this bound fat cannot be digested, it will be excreted naturally from the body. It has been shown effective in clinical studies (simulating gastro-intestinal in conditions) decreasing fatty acid bioavailability by more than 28%. It’s also demonstrated the fat-binding action to be more effective then chitosan (a shellfish-derived fat-blocking ingredient.) This is key, given the significant percentage of the population with shellfish allergies. It also allows the ingredient to be considered vegetarian friendly in addition to having GRAS status.

10 White Kidney Bean Extract
This is the Amazing extract that allows you to eat pasta and bread. You know the one that allows you to breathe a little easier. You’re also going to be a big fan of the white kidney bean extract, as this is the ingredient that helps keep the starches that you eat from being absorbed. Another thing that’s very impressive about this ingredient, is that this extract hasn’t just simply achieved GRAS status, it is the first non-stimulant, clinically studied, standardized, all natural carb-blocker. Simply put, it minimizes the absorption of starch by neutralizing a digestive enzyme. Human studies have shown the extract to reduce the absorption of starch calories by as much as 66%. This is also the First nutritional ingredient with an approved structure / function claim. Which is a big deal because to achieve because the FDA has to believe inequivicably in an ingredient’s effectiveness in performing a specific function before they approve such a claim. <transition> .

11 Gymnema Sylvestre Leaf Extract
This Incredible extract gets you through the cravings. You know the one that gets you through the night without Hagan Daz. The last ingredient is Gymnema. It’s pretty neat and performs two key weight loss supportive functions (1) it stabilizes your blood sugar levels and (2) it also turns your taste buds off to the taste of sweets. This anti-craving action is cool, but it only lasts about 2 hours which is why we recommend you take the product after each meal. You can even take 2 for a particularly carb-heavy night. <transition>

12 Need a Little More Room …
in your skinny jeans get waiFIT Block2 Block2 is a great product, Another fantastic weapon in your battle of the bulge And is also onsite for you to purchase today So You can start taking it as early as tonight. <transition>

13 New 30-Day Advanced Pack Cleanse Start waiFIT Burn waiFIT Block2
Two cartons of Meal Replacement For those of you doing the math and looking for a deal, the new 30-day advanced pack is a great way to save and enjoy the benefits of all the waiFIT product It’s $25 off member cost, and includes cleanse start, burn, new block2 as well as two cartons of meal replacement. <transition>

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