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CEV208 Computer Programming

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1 CEV208 Computer Programming
Strings Spring 2013

2 A string is a sequence A string is a sequence of characters. index
(its value has to be an integer) index (its value has to be an integer) Careful!:

3 len len is a built-in function that returns the number of characters in a string.

4 Traversal Traversal: Processing a string one character at a time.
A traversal with a while loop: A traversal with a for loop:

5 Assignment

6 Traversal What is the output of this program?

7 String slices slice: a segment of a string

8 String slices

9 Strings are immutable object : Assume that it is the same thing as a value for now. item : One of the values in a sequence.

10 Searching Search: Traversing a sequence and returning when we find what we are looking for.

11 Counter ASSIGNMENT:

12 string methods method: similar to a function, but the syntax is different. invocation: a call to a method. method upper takes a string and returns a new string with all uppercase letters: method find: method count:

13 The in operator What does this function do?

14 String comparison The relational operators work on strings.
You may use the other relational operators for putting words in alphabetical order: CAREFUL!: In Python, all the uppercase letters come before all the lowercase letters.

15 Debugging This function contains two errors:

16 Debugging

17 Glossary object immutable sequence traverse item search index counter
slice method empty string invocation

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