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What processes should be in place?

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Presentation on theme: "What processes should be in place?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What processes should be in place?
Learning Agenda Evidence Base What processes should be in place? Continuous Context- Specific Analysis Outcome-Oriented Methods Design for Contribution Is it necessary to ensure that an analysis framework is used simultaneously with 1) a systems- thinking practice to establish the causal logic, 2) a PIM system, and 3) an M&E framework to measure results? What does prioritization of continuous protection analysis look like? What is needed to ensure that feedback loops are deliberate? What does it mean to track and measure protection outcomes while maintaining flexibility as the emergency/response changes? What preconditions must exist to support program adaptability (within organizations and with donors)? What knowledge management systems are required to document analysis to promote evidence-based decision-making?  How do we manage uncertainty? What does it look like to systematically work with risk? What are the program implications (processes, policies) for designing for contribution?

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