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15 – 16 February 2016 in Vartov, Copenhagen Presentation of Interfolk

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1 15 – 16 February 2016 in Vartov, Copenhagen Presentation of Interfolk
FIRST MEETING 15 – 16 February 2016 in Vartov, Copenhagen Presentation of Interfolk Hans Jørgen Vodsgaard Interfolk Institute for Civil Society

2 Core values and conceptual basis
Interfolk is a non-profit organisation based on individuals sharing an interest to promote the humanistic and democratic learning capacities in a civil society context. The association was founded in The core values and conceptual basis is based on the Nordic Grundtvigian tradition of liberal adult education as well as the wider European humanistic traditions of Enlightenment and Bildung. The association strives to renew and revitalise a critical humanistic paradigm of lifelong learning.

3 Mission The mission is to promote Bildung and Enlightenment in the context of liberal adult education, voluntary associations and participatory arts and culture. Interfolk strives as part of its mission To promote liberal adult education and cultural learning that focus on personal autonomy, active citizenship, social inclusion, and cultural cohesion. To create partnerships with Nordic and European associations within liberal adult education, NGO-activities and the spheres of voluntary arts and culture. To ensure that the objectives of lifelong learning adhered to by the European Commission and the Nordic Council of Ministers also continues the best of the intentions of the Nordic-European tradition of enlightenment and Bildung.

4 Membership Interfolk is member of The Baltic Sea NGO Network Denmark
Baltic Network for Adult Learning (BNAL) International Platform for Citizen Participation (IPCP) Amateo - European Network for Active Participation in Cultural Activities

5 Area of activity Interfolk’s activities include research, surveys and development projects, seminars and debate, and other cultural activities in a Danish, Nordic, and European context. The partners of cooperation are primarily from the area of liberal adult education, voluntary associations and culture activities in the civil society, and secondary from the area of public education and culture. We give high priority to multilateral and cross-national partnerships, because they pave the way for new ideas, new forms of activities, a broader inter-face and more funding opportunities.

6 Main project activities
The main activities in included A major survey , on validation of values and goals in voluntary cultural organisations in cooperation with Cultural Councils in Denmark; supported by the Danish Ministry of Culture. Development of an e-learning tool for validation of the students’ learning profile for Esbjerg Folk High School, 2011; supported by the Association of Folk High Schools in Denmark. Coordinator for a two year Nordplus Adult project, regarding validation of learning outcome; supported by the Nordic Council of Ministers. Coordinator for a two year Grundtvig multilateral project, 2009 – 2011, “Learning outcome of amateur culture” (LOAC); supported by the EU Commission. Development of a new learning assessment frame focused on the existential learning dimension for folk high school students at Nordfyn Folk High School, 2012. Lead partner for planning a NGO Portal for the Baltic Sea Region, with reference to the CBSS-NGO Forum (The Council of the Baltic Sea States’ NGO Forum). Coordinator for a Grundtvig Learning partnership, 2012 – 2014 with the title “Art based learning and active ageing” (ART-AGE), supported by the Danish Agency for International Education. Coordinator for a Grundtvig Multilateral Project, 2013 – 2015 with the title “Culture guides for marginalised social groups (GUIDE), supported by the EU Commission. Coordinator for the 1-year Nordic Culture Point pilot project, , entitled " AMARE” Coordinator for the 3-year NGO project, , "Voluntary culture as leverage of cross- cultural activities in the Baltic Sea Region”, supported by the Nordic Council of Ministers.

7 A greeting about learning for life
Václav Havel "It is growing ever more evident that what human beings need in order to behave fully sensible on this planet is precisely education, education in the widest sense of the word, education as a lifelong maturation as a reflexion of the World (..) as a lifelong journey to wisdom." Havel, Video Greeting to the opening of Nordic - European Academy, October 2005 See and hear Havel’s video greeting here

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