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Information on the work of the AWG-KP in accordance with decision 4/CMP.3 Claudio Forner UNFCCC secretariat 8 consultants.

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Presentation on theme: "Information on the work of the AWG-KP in accordance with decision 4/CMP.3 Claudio Forner UNFCCC secretariat 8 consultants."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information on the work of the AWG-KP in accordance with decision 4/CMP.3
Claudio Forner UNFCCC secretariat 8 consultants

2 Contents of the presentation
Mandate and work programme Progress Further work

3 Mandate A process to consider further commitments for Annex I Parties for the period beyond 2012 in accordance with Article 3.9 of the Protocol (1/CMP.1) An open ended AWG of Parties; ensure no gap between the first and second commitment periods AWG-KP 4.2 agreed to forward the results of its work to CMP.5

4 Work programme Adopted in Nairobi. Reiterative and consisting of:
Analysis of mitigation potentials and ranges of emission reduction objectives of Annex I Parties; Analysis of possible means to achieve mitigation objectives; Consideration of further commitments by Annex I Part

5 Progress: Overview Three years of work, 6 sessions
AWG-KP 4 (2007): mitigation potentials and ranges of emission reduction objectives AWG-KP 5 and 6.1: Means to reach emission reduction targets, methodological issues and spillover effects

6 Progress: Mechanisms To be available as means, and could be improved
AWG-KP 6.1: identified possible improvements (scope; effectiveness and efficiency; accessibility; contribution to sustainable development) Chair to elaborate elements of those improvements; some may require amending the Protocol Further work at AWG-KP 6.2

7 Progress: LULUCF and sectoral emissions
LULUCF to be available as means; principles to be taken into account AWG-KP 6.1: compiled four options (definitions, rules for activities, harvested wood products and natural disturbances) To be further considered at AWG-KP 6.2 Approaches targeting sectoral emissions as means to reach emission reduction targets, to be further considered at AWG-KP 6.2

8 Progress: GHGs and methodological issues
Broaden coverage of GHGs, sectors and source categories. AWG-KP 6.1: basket approach to continue; it considered: New gases (secretariat to provide info) 2006 guidelines GWPs and GTPs (IPCC invited to undertake technical assessment) Work to continue at AWG-KP 6.2

9 Further work On the means: Further assess elements and options and their implications Spillover effects Legal issues and the duration of the commitment periods AWG-KP 7, 8 and subsequent sessions to focus on an agreement on further commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol for the period beyond 2012

10 Thank you

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