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LQ: Can I explain the factors which shape my identity?

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2 LQ: Can I explain the factors which shape my identity?
Key words: identity, specification, assessment objective, critical perspective LQ: Can I explain the factors which shape my identity?

3 Ext: Choose one word to describe yourself.
Key words: identity, specification, assessment objective, critical perspective Who are you? Why English? Write down an introduction to yourself in 20 words. Add another 20 to say why you have chosen to study English. Ext: Choose one word to describe yourself.

4 The Struggle for Identity in Modern Literature AQA Specification A
Key words: identity, specification, assessment objective, critical perspective COURSE OVERVIEW The Struggle for Identity in Modern Literature AQA Specification A 40% Coursework. 2 tasks of 1200 words each. 1 analysis of language in a novel. 1 comparison and interpretation of two plays 60% Exam Carol Ann Duffy Wider Reading and Contexts – The Struggle for Identity in Modern Literature.

5 Outstanding progress Band 4
AO1 - Articulate creative, informed and relevant responses to literary texts, using appropriate terminology and concepts, and coherent, accurate written expression Outstanding progress Band 4 a. Communicate relevant knowledge and understanding of literary texts with confidence b. present relevant, well-informed responses, fluently using appropriate terminology to support informed interpretations c. structure and organise their writing in a cogent manner d. Communicate content and meaning through sophisticated and mature writing. Excellent progress Band 3 a. Communicate relevant knowledge and understanding of literary texts b. present relevant responses using appropriate terminology to support informed interpretations c. structure and organise their writing d. Communicate content and meaning through expressive and accurate writing. Good progress Band2 a. Communicate some basic knowledge and understanding of literary texts b. make simple use of appropriate terminology or examples to support their interpretations c. Communicate meaning using straightforward language. 5

6 Outstanding progress Band 4
AO2 - Demonstrate detailed critical understanding in analysing the ways in which structure, form and language shape meanings in literary texts Outstanding progress Band 4 a. identify relevant aspects of form, structure and language in literary texts with insight b. confidently explore how writers use specific aspects to shape meaning c. show a mastery of detail in their use of specific references to texts to support their responses. Excellent progress Band 3 a. identify relevant aspects of form, structure and language in literary texts b. explore how writers use specific aspects to shape meaning c. use specific references to texts to support their responses. Good progress Band2 a. identify obvious aspects of structure, form and language b. describe some aspects with reference to how they shape meaning c. make related references to texts. 6

7 Outstanding progress Band 4
AO4 – Demonstrate understanding of the significance and influence of the contexts in which literary texts are written and received Outstanding progress Band 4 a. Communicate a mature understanding of the relationships between literary texts and their contexts b. comment in a sophisticated manner on the influence of culture, text type, literary genre or historical period on the ways in which literary texts were written and were – and are- received. Excellent progress Band 3 a. Communicate understanding of the relationships between literary texts and their contexts b. Comment appropriately on the influence of culture, text type, literary genre or historical period on ways in which literary texts were written and were – and are - received. Good progress Band2 a. Communicate some basic understanding of context through description of culture, text type, literary genre or historical period. 7

8 The Color Purple by Alice Walker ISBN – 978-0-7538-1892-3
Key words: identity, specification, assessment objective, critical perspective BUY THE BOOK The Color Purple by Alice Walker ISBN –

9 What are the factors that shape your identity?
Key words: identity, specification, assessment objective, critical perspective What are the factors that shape your identity? Ext: Can you add any other factors?

10 Key words: identity, specification, assessment objective, critical perspective
Which historical events that have occurred because of a struggle for identity? How do philosophers, politicians, economists, sociologists, educationalists , scientists, linguists, historians and people examine society and identity?

11 Key words: identity, specification, assessment objective, critical perspective
Critical perspectives: ways of seeing the world (and some ways to approach literature). One way to think of different theoretical approaches... different lenses critics use to view and talk about art, literature, and even culture. These different lenses allow critics to consider works of art based on certain assumptions within that school of theory. The different lenses also allow critics to focus on particular aspects of a work they consider important. For example, if a critic is working with certain Marxist theories, s/he might focus on how the characters in a story interact based on their economic situation. If a critic is working with post-colonial theories, s/he might consider the same story but look at how characters from colonial powers (Britain, France, and even America) treat characters from, say, Africa or the Caribbean.

12 Ext: How can you apply this to any text studied at GCSE?
Key words: identity, specification, assessment objective, critical perspective In groups you have been given some information about a different critical perspective. Prepare to feedback on what their approach is interested in, and how they might interpret the historical events mentioned earlier in the lesson. Ext: How can you apply this to any text studied at GCSE?

13 What is the most important factor that shapes your identity?
Key words: identity, specification, assessment objective, critical perspective What is the most important factor that shapes your identity? Ext: How has the history of the struggle for identity affected you?

14 Outstanding progress Band 4
AO4 – Demonstrate understanding of the significance and influence of the contexts in which literary texts are written and received Outstanding progress Band 4 a. Communicate a mature understanding of the relationships between literary texts and their contexts b. comment in a sophisticated manner on the influence of culture, text type, literary genre or historical period on the ways in which literary texts were written and were – and are- received. Excellent progress Band 3 a. Communicate understanding of the relationships between literary texts and their contexts b. Comment appropriately on the influence of culture, text type, literary genre or historical period on ways in which literary texts were written and were – and are - received. Good progress Band2 a. Communicate some basic understanding of context through description of culture, text type, literary genre or historical period. 14

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