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Scientific Skills 1. Observation – gather info in an orderly way.

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific Skills 1. Observation – gather info in an orderly way."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientific Skills 1. Observation – gather info in an orderly way.
2. Collect data Quantitative – numbers Qualitative – descriptive 3. Data allows us to make inferences – interpreting our data using our prior knowledge. 4. Hypothesis – An explanation for a set of observations. “educated guess” 

2 Observation Test your observation skills…

3 1-2 How scientists work Designing an experiment Ask a question
Form a hypothesis (prediction & reason) Set up a controlled experiment manipulated – variable that is changed responding – variable that reacts to the change controlled – variables (need 2) that stay the same Record and Analyze Results Draw a conclusion Publish/Repeat experiment

4 Science of the chocolate chip cookie
Discuss: Design a way to experimentally find the “best” chocolate chip cookie. What are your variables?

5 Testing yourself: The Ignoble Awards
For the following experiments, can you identify: The manipulated variable? The responding variable? Controlled variables?

6 Validity vs. Reliability
Validity: How well a test measures what it is supposed to measure. Something in the procedure you did Reliability: How well you are able to get stable & consistent results. “R” is for REPEAT.

7 Science of the chocolate chip cookie
Back to the chocolate chip cookie experiment. How would you make it reliable? How would you make it valid?

8 Constraints & Limitations
Biology (and all sciences, really) seek solutions to real-world problems. A constraint is a problem your real-world solution might encounter. A limitation is why that constraint is limiting you.

9 Constraints & Limitations: Ex 1
Some bears are getting into trash cans at campgrounds near the forests. The park rangers plan to trap & relocate these bears to solve the problem of these bears getting into the trash. Describe constraints (other than cost) that park rangers could encounter when trapping/relocating the bears. Describe how each constraint is a limitation.

10 Constraints & Limitations: Ex 2
In Sierra Leone, the government is imposing a three-day lockdown between September as a solution to prevent the spread of Ebola “once and for all.” What are some constraints of this solution? Describe how each constraint is a limitation on the solution.

11 Constraints & Limitations: Ex 3
In the United State, a new and experimental vaccine was administered as a solution to treat two American doctors sickened with Ebola. What are some constraints of this solution? Describe how each constraint is a limitation on the solution.

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