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United Nations Regional Workshop on the 2020 World Programme

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1 United Nations Regional Workshop on the 2020 World Programme
Use of handheld electronic devices for census data collection - Maldives National Bureau of Statistics Maldives

2 Outline Challenges of paper-based data collection and processing
Problems faced in scanning Challenges National Bureau of Statistics

3 challenges of paper-based data collection and processing
Time consuming Paper-based forms increases chance of errors Submitting multiple forms for a single process Data integrity and authenticity Re-keying information is inefficient and increases chance of errors National Bureau of Statistics

4 Population and housing census 2014
Population and Housing census was conducted during September of ICR scanning process was adopted for image based scanning of questionnaires. National Bureau of Statistics

5 Problems faced in scanning
Bulk handling of questionnaires Scanning preparations and printing Shifting images Going back and forth to hardcopy of questionnaires to check data accuracy National Bureau of Statistics

6 Using handheld devices in other surveys
Labour force survey Pilot was conducted during 2017 Survey Solution (CAPI) software was used to collect data. Tablets were given for enumerators for data collection. Data was collected offline and exported after reaching NBS. National Bureau of Statistics

7 Using devices handheld devices in other surveys
DHS survey Survey conducted by ministry of Health during 2016/2017 CAPI was used for the first time for data collection Training was given to familiarize with CAPI software Since data entry is not required separately, saves time The data transfer was automatic. National Bureau of Statistics

8 Way forward Why we adopt CAPI? Accuracy of data collection
Improved project completion time Timeliness and availability of data Flexibility of technology Cost – effective ( especially for large and re- occurring surveys) National Bureau of Statistics

9 Challenges in adopting Hand held devices
Advanced programming required (CSPro etc..) ,support from Experience parties New technology for a complex data collection Process /Methodology change management (awareness & understanding)will be needed Capacity building will be required at all levels involved in the survey National Bureau of Statistics

10 Challenges in adopting Hand held devices
Data storage and maintenance would require a sufficient compatible storage space, initially this might be costly. Automatic updating of data during field visit might be risky with depending on the strength of the communication network in areas of the country. National Bureau of Statistics

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