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ECE 1270: Introduction to Electric Circuits

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Presentation on theme: "ECE 1270: Introduction to Electric Circuits"— Presentation transcript:

1 ECE 1270: Introduction to Electric Circuits
Lecture 9: 1) Source Transformations 2) Thevenin & Norton Sources Chapter 4 Techniques of Circuit Analysis: Sections 4.9, 4.10

2 EE 1270: Introduction to Electric Circuits
Source Transformations

3 Simplify the Circuit by Source Transformation

4 Example 4.8: Find P6V

5 AP 4.15: Find v Students work on this problem

6 Equivalent Voltage and current
Vab? Iab (=IR)?

7 EE 1270: Introduction to Electric Circuits
Thevenin Equivalent

8 Thevenin Equivalent Circuit

9 Thevenin Equivalent Circuit: Why do we care?
Output Port RTH RTH

10 Find Thevenin Equivalent

11 Sadiku Practice Problem 4.8 (p.142) : Thevenin Equi.
Students work on this problem

12 Norton Equivalent Circuit

13 Find Norton Equivalent

14 AP 4.17: Find Norton Equivalent
Students do this example

15 AP 4.18: Find Both Thevenin and Norton Equivalents
If time permits

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