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Gorillas By Miss Thompson.

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1 Gorillas By Miss Thompson

2 Contents Appearance Habitat Prey / Predators Endangered?
Sources of Information

3 Appearance Humans and gorillas have similar genes.
Gorillas have opposable thumbs, like humans. Their skulls and very large and heavy.

4 Habitat Most gorillas live in the forests of Central and West Africa.
Mountain gorillas can be seen in mountain forests over 3000m above sea level. They live in groups called bands, made up of 5-20 members. The bond between members of the group is very strong.

5 Prey / Predators Gorillas are herbivores, which means they only eat plants. Gorillas eat up to 100 different types of plants, such as bamboo, fruits and nettles.

6 Endangered? There are many things which threaten the existence of gorillas. Other gorillas or animals might compete for food in their area. Gorillas are sometimes poached by humans for their meat, or to clear the land for development.

7 Sources of Information
Books Gorillas by Patricia Miller-Schroeder Life in a Band: Gorillas by Richard and Louise Spilsbury Websites

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