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DSD Performance Report for the period (01 July 2016 – 30 September 2016) Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Social Development 22 February 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "DSD Performance Report for the period (01 July 2016 – 30 September 2016) Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Social Development 22 February 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 DSD Performance Report for the period (01 July – 30 September 2016) Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Social Development 22 February 2017 Portfolio Committee 1

2 Presentation outline Purpose Strategic Priorities Programme purposes
Contextual Analysis Overall Performance Programme Performance and Expenditure 2 January 2019 Portfolio Committee

3 The presentation also provides programme and overall expenditure
PURPOSE This presentation provides a summary and analysis of performance with respect to the implementation of the Ministerial priorities as reflected in the Department’s Annual Performance Plan (APP) for the financial year. The presentation also provides programme and overall expenditure Portfolio Committee 3

4 Strategic Priorities The Department has identified and committed itself to addressing the following key priorities for the MTSF :  Expand Child and Youth Care Services (Isibindi programme) Social Welfare Sector Reform and services to deliver better results Deepening Social Assistance and Extending the scope of Social Security Increase access to Early Childhood Development (ECD) Strengthening Community Development interventions Combat Substance Abuse and Gender-Based Violence Increase household food & nutrition security (Food for All) The protection and promotion of the rights of older persons and people with disabilities Establish Social Protection Systems to strengthen coordination, integration, planning, M&E of services Portfolio Committee

5 PROGRAMMES PURPOSE Programme 1: Administration
To provide leadership, management and support services to the Department and the Social Development Sector. Programme 2: Social Assistance To provide income support to vulnerable groups. Programme 3: Social Security Policy and Administration To provide for social policy development and the fair administration of social assistance. Programme 4: Welfare Services Policy Development and Implementation To create an enabling environment for the delivery of equitable developmental welfare services through the formulation of policies, norms and standards and best practices and the provision of support to the implementation agencies. Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery To support community development and promote evidence-based policy making in the Department and the Social Development Sector Portfolio Committee

The Social Development Sector delivers its services in an environment marked by high levels of poverty, unemployment and inequality. Some recent policy developments The social assistance programme remains government’s single most significant poverty alleviation programme Commitments to Universalise the Old Age Grant by 2016 were made by both Ministers of Social Development and Finance. To this date the Consolidated Comprehensive Social Security Reform proposals have been completed, that begins to give expression to the right to social security entrenched in our Constitution. Internationally, the grant has been recognised by the World Bank to be amongst the best unconditional transfers in the world. In their recent report, The State of Social Safety Nets 2014, the World Bank ranks the CSG amongst the top five programmes across the world in terms of absolute number coverage as well as percentage of the population coverage. The CSG was ranked the largest social safety net in the continent Portfolio Committee 6

Project Mikondzo: Is a collective sector-wide service delivery improvement initiative that is targeting the most deprived and rural poor municipalities, 23 deprived municipalities and 1300 wards in the country. Through this project DSD has been able to: Identify service delivery gaps within local level as well as between policy formulation & implementation Increased DSD foot print and visibility in communities. Increased our understanding of the service delivery challenges and backlogs through direct interaction with local stakeholders e.g. ward councillors, ward committees, Civil Society Organisations, women’s groups, traditional leaders, FBOs, etc. These have assisted DSD to draft a citizen oriented Service Delivery Improvement Plan Portfolio Committee 7

Although the Department is largely responsible for policy formulation, it also renders some of its services directly to the public, e.g. Registration of NPOs The Department works with other institutions within and outside government in the execution of its mandate: Critical partners include amongst others the Departments of Basic Education, Labour, Justice, Health and Rural development. Areas of collaboration include critical projects on issues affecting Children, HIV & AIDS, Older Persons, Victim Empowerment, Youth, Social Security. Given the collaborative and interdependent nature of some of the department’s work, it can only meet some of its targets if the other institutions deliver on their commitments as well . – This is a government-wide integration challenge. Portfolio Committee 8

9 Programme Performance and Expenditure
"Building a Caring Society. Together"

2016/17 R’000 48,8% Spent 2 January 2019

Voted Actual Apr – Jun 2016 July-Sept 2016 Total Spending % Spent R’ 000 R’000  R’000 P1 :Administration 99 322 88 755 58.32% P2: Social assistance 48.96% P3: Social Security Policy And Administration 46.82% P4: Welfare Services Policy Development And Implementation Support 61 705 31.58% P5: Social Policy And Integrated Service Delivery 68 948 59.55% TOTAL 48.82% 2 January 2019

Portfolio Committee 2 January 2019 EXPENDITURE PER ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Voted Actual Apr – Jun 2016 July-Sept 2016 Total Spending % Spent Current Payments 51.76% Compensation of Employees 47.73% Goods and Services 92 102 57.15% Transfers and Subsidies 48.81% Provinces and municipalities 85 500 0.00% Departmental agencies and accounts 46.88% Higher education institutions 2 469 Foreign governments and international organisations 3 970 2 011 50.66% Non-profit institutions 24 087 21.31% Households 48.96% Payments of Capital Assets 10 341 1 346 2 243 3 588 34.70% TOTAL 48.82% 2 January 2019

JULY – SEPTEMBER 2016 Portfolio Committee 13

14 Standard Reporting Format and Rating System
For the quarterly report, and for ease of analysis an additional colour coded column, (green, amber and red), is used to determine progress towards meeting pre-determined targets and objectives. On course – no major action needed. Moderate risk that some problems exist and as a result the target will not be achieved in the planned time frames- remedial action is needed to avoid this. Certainty that the target will not be achieved or was not achieved in the planned timeframes- major remedial action and urgent intervention is required Portfolio Committee 14


16 Summary of Overall Performance
During the second quarter reporting period ( July 2016 – September 2016). Chart 1 below indicates overall performance trends for the period April 2016 to September 2016 (first and second quarter of 2016/17). In quarter 2, 80% of the planned targets were achieved as compared to only 66% in quarter 1. This shows an improvement of 16% in achievement of targets. Targets which were partially achieved decreased by 12% from 19% in the first quarter to 7% in the second quarter. Similarly, targets which were not met at all decreased by 3% from 15% in the first quarter to 13% in the second quarter. Reasons for non-achievement of targets included among others the following, lack of capacity, lack of funding, failure to meet deadlines by service providers, non-submission of competent evidence and incomplete evidence, delays in appointment of service providers. Although, some of the targets were not met, the performance has improved significantly and the trend is hoped to increase in subsequent reporting period building up to the end of the financial year. Portfolio Committee

17 Achievement of Targets per Programme: 2016-17 Quarter 2
No. of Targets Achieved  No. of Targets Partially Achieved No. of Targets Not Achieved Total Targets % contribution of the programme to the APP targets Programme 1 7 5 3 15 15% Programme 2 8 8% Programme 3 1 Programme 4 29 4 36 35% Programme 5 30 35 34% 81 9 12 102 100%

Portfolio Committee

19 P1 : ADMINISTRATION 58,3% Spent R’000 2 January 2019
Portfolio Committee 2 January 2019 P1 : ADMINISTRATION R’000 58,3% Spent 2 January 2019

20 P1 : ADMINISTRATION Programme Voted Actual Apr – Jun 2016
Portfolio Committee 2 January 2019 P1 : ADMINISTRATION Programme Voted Actual Apr – Jun 2016 July-Sept 2016 Total Spending % Spent R’ 000 R’000  R’000 Ministry 33 561 15 967 13 000 28 967 86.31% Departmental Management 68 376 14 724 16 376 31 100 45.48% Corporate Services 36 010 31 698 67 708 59.26% Finance 57 844 17 974 13 980 31 954 55.24% Internal Audit 15 838 2 704 2 230 4 934 31.15% Office Accommodation 32 627 11 943 11 471 23 414 71.76% TOTAL 99 322 88 755 58.32% Economic Classification Compensation of Employees 44 655 44 953 89 609 46.22% Goods and Services 53 788 41 091 94 879 76.45% Transfers and Subsidies 1 803 66 1 330 1 396 - Payments of Capital Assets 2 753 814 1 380 2 194 79.68% Payments of Financial Assets 2 January 2019

Portfolio Committee 2 January 2019 P1 : ADMINISTRATION – CORPORATE MAMAGEMENT CORPORATE MANAGEMENT Voted Actual Apr – Jun 2016 July-Sept 2016 Total Spending % Spent R’ 000 R’000  R’000 Office of the DDG 4 081 83 133 216 5.29% Communication 18 257 3 969 3 997 7 966 43.63% Human capital management 31 079 6 234 7 796 14 030 45.14% Info Manage, system & Tech 41 951 18 331 13 210 31 541 75.19% Legal services 11 366 2 111 2 378 4 489 39.49% Security Services 11 708 4 731 4 735 9 466 80.85% TOTAL 35 459 32 249 67 708 57.17% Economic Classification Compensation of Employees 82 273 17 995 19 052 37 047 45.03% Goods and Services 33 005 16 983 11 828 28 811 87.29% Transfers and Subsidies 1 698 - 1 308 77.03% Payments of Capital Assets 1 466 481 61 542 36.97% 2 January 2019

22 P1 : ADMINISTRATION Ministry – 86% spending
Portfolio Committee 2 January 2019 P1 : ADMINISTRATION Ministry – 86% spending The high expenditure relate the additional staff requirements in the Ministry and Deputy Ministry Office. Goods and Services – 76% Spending The high expenditure relate to mandatory costs for DSD in terms of: Upgrading and maintaining DSD IT infrastructure, SITA services (Software licenses, Mainframe services) (IMST); Departmental GG-fleet services (Finance); Auditor-General fees for the Departmental audit services (Finance); Cleaning and security services for DSD (Security Services); Leasing agreement for Office Accommodation to Public Works (Office Accommodation). 2 January 2019

23 Programme 1 Administration: Executive Support and Intergovernmental Relations
Annual Target Monitor and report on 100% of SPCHD Cluster decisions Quarter 2 Target Monitor and report on 95% of SPCHD Cluster decisions Quarter 2 Achievements The Unit monitored and followed up on all decisions taken at the SPCHD Cluster meetings held during the period under review. Progress was reported at senior management structures Facilitate DSD participation in 6 international events Facilitate participation in 2 international events Quarter 2 Achievement The department participated in the following International events in the 2nd quarter •73rd Session of the Committee on the Rights of the Child, presentation of SA’s Reports, 20 – 21 September 2016 in Geneva, Switzerland; •UNESCO Intergovernmental Council (IGC) of the Management of Social Transformation (MOST) Programme in Paris, 15 – 18 September 2016; Inputs on the SA’s Report on UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. •Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) Training on Managing Development and Social Protection in Globalized Economy, 5 – 23 September 2016 in India •Participated during the Epidemiology Network Planning meeting and Continental Consultation on Drug Demand Reduction focal point 1-5 August 2016, Cape Town Portfolio Committee

24 Programme 1: Strategy Development, Business and Gender
Annual Target Construct 18 Community Care Centres Quarter 2 Target Construct 3 Community Care Centres Quarter 2 Achievement Construction of 3 Community care centres is underway in 3 provinces North West (1) - Ventersdorp KZN (2) - Impendle and Esidumbini Facilitate the integration of gender into 4 polices Facilitate the integration of gender into 1 polices Draft Monitoring and Evaluation Policy for DSD reviewed and report compiled Portfolio Committee

25 Programme 1: Legal Services and Information Management Technology
Annual Target Develop and vet contracts through contract management system Quarter 2 Target Develop and vet contracts through management system Quarter 2 Achievement We received 34 Contracts and all were vetted through the contract management system Develop the child protection register (CPR) and alternative care Develop CPR and alternative care Quarter 2 Achievement CPR and alternative care are developed Upgrade NISIS to include community profile Develop NISIS NISIS is developed Portfolio Committee

Portfolio Committee

27 P 2: SOCIAL ASSISTANCE 48,9% Spent R’000 2 January 2019
Portfolio Committee 2 January 2019 P 2: SOCIAL ASSISTANCE R’000 48,9% Spent 2 January 2019

28 P 2: SOCIAL ASSISTANCE GRANT TYPE Voted Actual Apr – Jun 2016
Portfolio Committee 2 January 2019 P 2: SOCIAL ASSISTANCE GRANT TYPE Voted Actual Apr – Jun 2016 July-Sept 2016 Total Spending % Spent R’ 000 R’000  R’000 OLD AGE 48.97% WAR VETERANS 3 622 1 078 1 002 2 080 57.43% DISABILITY 48.45% FOSTER CARE 50.17% CARE DEPENDENCY 48.40% CHILD SUPPORT 48.95% GRANT-IN-AID 61.32% SOCIAL RELIEF OF DISTRESS 88 001 47.14% TOTAL 48.96% 2 January 2019

29 P 2: SOCIAL ASSISTANCE Spending per sub programme
Portfolio Committee 2 January 2019 P 2: SOCIAL ASSISTANCE Spending per sub programme War veterans – 57% spending The high expenditure relate to the increased number of war veterans claiming benefits. 162 target vs 207 claimed. Grant-in-Aid – 61% spending The high expenditure mainly relate to increased grant beneficiaries applying for grant-in-aid than anticipated in the beginning of the financial year. target vs claimed. 2 January 2019

30 Programme 2: Social Assistance
Annual Target Old Age Grant: 3  Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 Achievement Old Age Grant beneficiaries: 3  older persons benefitted from Old Age Grant Child Support Grant: 12  Child Support Grant beneficiaries: 12 195 665 12  children benefited from the Child Support Grant War Veterans Grant: 162 War Veterans Grant beneficiaries: 192 207 war veterans benefitted from War Veterans Grant Portfolio Committee

31 Programme 2: Social Assistance
Annual Target Disability Grant :1  Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 Achievement Disability Grant Beneficiaries: 1  persons benefitted from Disability Grant Care Dependency Grant: Care Dependency Grant Beneficiaries: 144 984 persons benefitted from Care Dependency Grant Foster Child Grant: Foster Child Grant Beneficiaries: persons benefitted from Foster Child Grant Portfolio Committee

32 Programme 2: Social Assistance
Annual Target Grant-in-Aid: Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 Achievement Grant-in-Aid Beneficiaries: Grant-in-Aid persons benefitted from Grant-in-Aid Award Social Relief of Distress (SRD) applications Award Social Relief of Distress applications Social Relief of Distress applications awarded Portfolio Committee

Portfolio Committee

Portfolio Committee 2 January 2019 P3 : SOCIAL SECURITY POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION R’000 46,8% Spent 2 January 2019

Portfolio Committee 2 January 2019 P3 : SOCIAL SECURITY POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION SUB PROGRAMMES Voted Actual Apr – Jun 2016 July-Sept 2016 Total Spending % Spent R’ 000 R’000  R’000 Social Security Policy Development 57 228 8 500 12 717 21 217 37.07% Appeals Adjudication 43 934 6 547 6 144 12 691 28.89% Social Grants Administration 46.98% Social Grants Fraud Investigation 83 066 20 766 41 532 50.00% Programme Management 5 406 992 1 447 2 439 45.12% TOTAL 46.82% Economic Classification Current Payments 16 018 18 446 34 463 34.23% Compensation of Employees 50 683 11 571 11 773 23 343 46.06% Goods and Services 50 004 4 447 6 673 11 120 22.24% Transfers and Subsidies 47.01% Departmental agencies and accounts Higher education institutions 2 000 0.00% Foreign governments and international organisations 1 454 1 661 114.26% Households 220 - Payments of Capital Assets 2 207 22 201 223 10.10% 2 January 2019

Portfolio Committee 2 January 2019 P3 : SOCIAL SECURITY POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION Spending per sub programme Social Security Policy Development – 37.1% spending The low expenditure mainly relate the delay in the following projects: Study to explore the use of tax system for the financing and delivering of the CSG; and Conducting a feasibility study in linking CSG to Child related services. Appeals Adjudication – 28.8 % spending Invoices from State Attorney is awaited on the litigation cases recorded in terms of social assistance grants. Spending per economic classification Foreign governments and international organisations – 114% spending The membership payment to a foreign organization was influenced by the exchange rate and approval was granted by National Treasury for the increased payment required and will be corrected in the 2016 AENE process. 2 January 2019

37 Programme 3 : Social Security Policy Development
Annual Target Complete discussion paper on the universalisation of the CSG Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 Achievement Draft report on the universalisation of the CSG Draft report on Tax Options for the Universalisation of CSG has been compiled Develop a technical report on mandatory cover for retirement, disability and survivor benefits Prepare technical inputs and update the report Benefit design options modelled and options on the adjudication mechanisms revised and aligned to the technical paper. Portfolio Committee

38 Programme 3 : Appeals Adjudication
Annual Target Adjudicate 65% of appeals within 90 days of receipt Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 Achievement Adjudicated 75.68% (529 of 699) appeals within 90 days of receipt 100% of appeals received from SASSA with complete records adjudicated within 90 days of receipt 100% (249 of 249) appeals received from SASSA with complete records Portfolio Committee

39 Programme 3 : Inspectorate for Social Assistance
Annual Target Approve the Financial and Compliance Audits framework Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 Achievement Complete Draft Financial and Compliance Audit Framework The Audit and Compliance Framework were drafted. Internal consultation was held to obtain inputs Approve the Framework for investigations Consult on the Investigations framework The Investigations Framework were drafted. Internal consultation was held to obtain inputs. Develop and implement Stakeholder & Partnership Strategy Conduct two Stakeholder round-tables The Stakeholder and Partnership Strategy was presented to MANCO and approved accordingly. Portfolio Committee

Portfolio Committee

Portfolio Committee 2 January 2019 P4 : WELFARE SERVICE POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION R’000 31,6% Spent 2 January 2019

Portfolio Committee 2 January 2019 P4 : WELFARE SERVICE POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION SUB PROGRAMMES Voted Actual Apr – Jun 2016 July-Sept 2016 Total Spending % Spent R’ 000 R’000  R’000 Service Standards 29 868 5 712 4 400 10 112 33.86% Substance Abuse 7 651 5 232 12 884 12.72% Older Persons 20 549 1 776 2 672 4 448 21.65% People with Disabilities 29 273 6 730 5 524 12 253 41.86% Children 76 288 16 318 20 442 36 760 48.19% Families 8 996 2 379 2 558 4 936 54.87% Social Crime Prevention and Victim Empowerment 62 597 12 751 16 162 28 914 46.19% Youth 14 561 1 632 2 263 3 895 26.75% HIV and AIDS 85 220 5 866 6 727 12 593 14.78% Social Worker Scholarships 34.39% Programme Management 3 865 889 739 1 628 42.12% TOTAL 61 705 31.58% 2 January 2019

Spending per Sub programme: Substance Abuse – 12.7% spending The low spending relate to invoices not submitted by the construction companies in the construction of the substance abuse centres in the Northern Cape and Free State province in terms of the Conditional grant allocation of R85 million for the 2016/17 financial year. Older persons – 21.6% spending The low spending relate to the planned activities scheduled for the 3rd and 4th Quarter of the financial year. Youth – 26.7% spending The low spending relate to the planned activities scheduled for the 3rd and 4th Quarter of the financial year HIV/Aids – 14.78% The low spending relate to the payment for HIV and Aids transfers which is scheduled for release in the 3rd and 4th quarter of the financial year. 2 January 2019 Select Committee

Portfolio Committee 2 January 2019 P4 : WELFARE SERVICE POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION Economic Classification Voted Actual Apr – Jun 2016 July-Sept 2016 Total Spending % Spent R’ 000 R’000  R’000 Current Payments 61 223 62 144 47.76% Compensation of Employees 33 248 34 065 67 313 49.11% Goods and Services 27 975 28 079 56 053 46.24% Transfers and Subsidies 46 385 389 22.66% Provinces and municipalities 85 500 - 0.00% Departmental agencies and accounts 34.39% Foreign governments and international organisations 692 Non-profit institutions 82 746 3 888 4.70% Households 667 34 423 63.42% Payments of Capital Assets 4 647 93 654 747 16.07% TOTAL 61 705 31.58% 2 January 2019

Transfers and Subsidies – 22.6% spending Provinces – R85 million Conditional Grant allocation for the construction of the Substance Abuse treatment centers. Departmental Agencies and Accounts – R 290 million NSFAS – Social Scholarship programme. First payment released in the 2nd quarter of the financial year. Balance will be released in the third quarter of the financial year. Non profit organizations – R 82.7 million National Councils – R 26.4 million Major transfers to be released in 3rd and 4th quarter of the financial year HIV and Aids Organizations – R 56,3 million Scheduled for the 3rd and 4th quarter of the financial year 2 January 2019 Select Committee

46 Programme 4: Service Standards
Annual Target Revise White Paper on Social Welfare Quarter 2 Target Establish the technical team Quarter 2 Achievement Technical team on the revision of the White Paper for Social Welfare established and members of the team were duly appointed by the Minister in Quarter 1 Develop a Demand and Supply Model for social services practitioners Collect data Quarter 2 Achievement Data collected in all provinces Submit the Recruitment and Retention Strategy for social service practitioners for approval Consult the stakeholders on the implementation plan Consulted stakeholders in NW and KZN on the Draft implementation plan Portfolio Committee

47 Programme 4: Older Persons and ECD
Annual Target Coordinate the implementation of the National Active Ageing programme for Older Persons Quarter 2 Target Consultation meetings with the hosting province Quarter 2 Achievement Planning meetings were held in August Align ECD Program of Action to the ECD policy Consult the National Interdepartmental Committee on ECD and other relevant structures Quarter 2 Achievement Consultation was done at the NIDC for ECD meeting on 11 August 2016. Develop an ECD Maintenance and Improvement Plan Develop project management plan Quarter 2 Achievement The project management plan has been developed Portfolio Committee

48 Programme 4: Children Services, Orphan and Vulnerable Children
Annual Target Register 100% of adoptions received from Children`s Courts with complete records Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 Achievement A total of 427 adoptions have been registered with the breakdown of 389 being National adoptions while 38 being intercountry adoptions. Second amendment to Children `s Act considered by Parliament Present Children’s Second Amendment Bill to the Portfolio Committee on Social Development Quarter 2 Achievement The Children’s Amendment Bill and Children’s Second Amendment Bill passed by the National Assembly and transmitted to the National Council of Provinces on 30 August 2016 Portfolio Committee

49 Programme 4: Children Services, Orphan and Vulnerable Children
Annual Target Conduct 9 Inter-Sectoral Capacity building workshops on children`s rights and responsibilities Quarter 2 Target Conduct 3 intersectoral capacity-building workshops on children’s rights and responsibilities Quarter 2 Achievement Capacity building workshops on children’s rights and responsibilities were conducted in MP, NC and LP Submit the compliance reports on regional obligations to the AU structures Finalise report The draft report on the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child is being finalised. Portfolio Committee

50 Programme 4:Social Crime Prevention & Victim Empowerment
Annual Target Approval of the Policy Framework on Accreditation of Diversion Services Quarter 2 Target Approve the draft Policy Framework Quarter 2 Achievement Approval by DDG forum on the draft Reviewed Policy Framework on Accreditation of Diversion on the 30 September 2016. Train 9 provinces on therapeutic programmes Train 3 provinces on therapeutic programmes Quarter 2 Achievement Four provinces capacitated on the therapeutic programmes as follows: FS, MP, NC, and EC Finalise Consultation on the Bill and submit to the State Law Advisors (SLA) for certification Consult relevant stakeholders Quarter 2 Achievement Consultation workshop facilitated with DSD officials on the 18 August Consultation meeting on the VES Bill took place on the 19 September 2016 Portfolio Committee

51 Programme 4:Social Crime Prevention & Victim Empowerment
Annual Target Develop Operating Policy Guidelines for the Social Sector Academy Quarter 2 Target Conduct national workshop on draft operating policy guidelines Quarter 2 Achievement Two national workshops on the Social Development Sector Academy operating policies conducted. Approval of the strategy on families facing imminent risk of removal of a family member Consult 2 provinces Quarter 2 Achievement Consultation conducted in 2 provinces N.W and LP Review National Drug Master Plan [NDMP] Consult 5 provinces on the draft NDMP Quarter 2 Achievement All 9 provinces were consulted on the development of NDMP. Portfolio Committee

52 Programme 4: HIV/AIDS Annual Target Train 300 organisations on Psychosocial Support Programmes Quarter 2 Target Train 100 organisations on Psychosocial support programmes Quarter 2 Achievement 222 organisations trained on PSS Train 400 CBOs on Community Based Interventions Monitoring Systems (CBIMS) Quarter 2 Target Train 120 on Community Based interventions Monitoring Systems (CBIMS) Quarter 2 Achievement 161 CBOs were trained Train 500 implementers on social behaviour change Train 200 implementers on social behaviour change 220 implementers were trained

Portfolio Committee

Portfolio Committee 2 January 2019 P5 : SOCIAL POLICY AND INTERGRATED SERVICE DELIVERY R’000 59.5% Spent 2 January 2019

Portfolio Committee 2 January 2019 P5 : SOCIAL POLICY AND INTERGRATED SERVICE DELIVERY SUB PROGRAMMES Voted Actual Apr – Jun 2016 July-Sept 2016 Total Spending % Spent R’ 000 R’000  R’000 Social Policy Research and Development 5 552 1 489 1 286 2 775 49.98% Special Projects and Innovation 10 299 3 184 2 399 5 582 54.20% Population Policy Promotion 31 727 6 901 12 012 18 912 59.61% Registration and Monitoring of Non-Profit Organization 35 634 8 952 8 456 17 408 48.85% Substance Abuse Advisory Services and Oversight 5 731 1 606 1 839 3 445 60.10% Community Development 91 283 14 029 42 138 56 167 61.53% National Development Agency - 61.07% Programme Management 3 325 1 248 820 2 068 62.18% TOTAL 68 948 59.55% 2 January 2019

Portfolio Committee 2 January 2019 P5 : SOCIAL POLICY AND INTERGRATED SERVICE DELIVERY Economic Classification Voted Actual Apr – Jun 2016 July-Sept 2016 Total Spending % Spent R’ 000 R’000  R’000 Current Payments 36 990 35 980 72 971 58.20% Compensation of Employees 77 243 19 013 19 722 38 735 50.15% Goods and Services 48 131 17 977 16 259 34 236 71.13% Transfers and Subsidies 32 960 60.23% Departmental agencies and accounts - 61.07% Higher education institutions 469 0.00% Foreign governments and international organisations 1 824 350 19.19% Non-profit institutions 30 281 20 199 66.70% Households 24 869 2 12 411 12 413 49.91% Payments of Capital Assets 734 417 8 425 57.91% TOTAL 68 948 59.55% 2 January 2019

Spending per Sub programme Community Development – 61.5% spending The high spending relate the release of the funding to the Food Relief agents in provinces for the Food Relief Programme. (R53 million allocation). National Development Agency – R 194 million 60% has been paid to the National Development Agency in terms of the agreement. 2 January 2019 Select Committee

58 Programme 5: NPO Annual Target
Process 99% of applications within 2 months of receipt Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 Achievement Received applications, processed and 99% (7 156) of received applications were processes within two months Conduct NPO National Roadshows in 80 Local Municipality Conduct NPO National Roadshows in 25 Local Municipalities Quarter 2 Achievement Conducted 31 NPO National Roadshows in 29 Local Municipalities Train 3000 NPOs on governance and compliance with the NPO Act 900 NPOs trained on governance and compliance with the NPO Act Trained NPOs on governance and compliance with the NPO Act 95% NPO reports processed within 2 months

59 Programme 5: Community Mobilization and Empowerment
Annual Target Assess community development capability against Norms and Standards Quarter 2 Target Consult with all provinces on capability Assessment Tool Quarter 2 Achievement All province were consulted on the capability assessment tool Develop community mobilization and empowerment guidelines Quarter 2 Target Develop draft guidelines on community mobilisation and empowerment Quarter 2 Achievement Draft guidelines on community mobilisation and empowerment developed Reach 450 wards through community outreach programmes 125 wards reached 317 wards reached through community outreach programmes Develop draft Youth Mobilisation Guidelines Consult 5 provinces. Conduct Youth Month Commemoration Programme for 120 young people Consulted 8 provinces and Youth month Commemoration programme held for 163 youth in the EC.

60 Programme 5: Community Mobilization and Empowerment
Annual Target Develop a framework for linkage of cooperatives to economic opportunities within the sector Quarter 2 Target Consult on the framework Quarter 2 Achievement Draft framework circulated to provinces for further input and comments Facilitate the implementation of Integrated Food and Nutrition Security Plan in 9 provinces Quarter 2 Target Consultation on the Integrated Food and Nutrition Security Plan Quarter 2 Achievement Integrated Food and Nutrition Security Plan consulted on a workshop which was held in Kopanong Hotel, Benoni people accessing food through CNDCs Provide food to vulnerable individuals people accessing food through CNDCs

61 THANK YOU! Portfolio Committee

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