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The American Progressive Movement

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1 The American Progressive Movement

2 What was the Progressive Movement?
A collection of different ideas and activities that changed the scope of American industry, politics and culture No organized goals, just a philosophy of change and improvement A backlash against laissez-faire economics and an unregulated economy Advocates for this change were referred to as progressives Progressives had a number of ideas to fix what they felt were problems in everyday American life

3 Who are the Progressives?
Both political parties Urban, educated middle class Americans Teachers, Clergymen, Journalists, social activists Believed that government had the responsibility of taking an active role in solving the problems created by and unregulated economy and social inequality Wanted government to regulate the changes Doubted that government in its current form could do so. Progressives have a strong faith in science and technology, and actively encourage its proliferation

4 Chaos of Unregulated Capitalism
The Thought Process Industrialization, Urbanization, immigration, unregulated economic growth, economic division Chaos of Unregulated Capitalism Need for Reform

5 Aspects of the Progressive Movement
Government Reforms Improvements in efficiency and the elimination of corruption Changes in voting processes and municipal (city) government structure Democratic Reforms Direct primaries Initiative – allows citizens to introduce legislation to the legislature Referendum – allow citizens to vote on proposed laws directly Recall – special elections to remove ineffective or corrupt politicians before their term has completed Direct election of federal representatives from each state Social Reforms Women’s Suffrage Civil Rights Prohibition Health and Safety Regulations

6 Aspects of the Progressive Movement
Economic Reforms Business Regulations Working conditions and safety Child labor laws Workers’ rights Antitrust legislation Banking Regulations Federal Reserve System Investment regulations and oversight Environmental Reforms Conservation Ease the problems caused by urbanization Control western development

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