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ALA Department of Delaware

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1 ALA Department of Delaware
1/2/2019 LEADERSHIP ALA Department of Delaware Action Plan School of Instruction September 10, 2016 Arnita Coleman Department Leadership Chairman

2 What You Should Know? What is the purpose of the Leadership Program?
1/2/2019 What You Should Know? What is the purpose of the Leadership Program? Why do we have the Leadership Program? What you can do? Awards Reporting Questions What is the purpose of the Leadership program? The purpose of the Leadership program is to develop leaders at all levels, to grow membership and to mentor members of all ages. Why do we have the Leadership Program? To develop future leaders at all levels of the organization To enhance leader’s knowledge about the ALA history, programs and organization To encourage the use of Auxiliary reference documents and materials, such as the Unit Handbook, Constitution & Bylaws and the Senior Course: “Auxiliary Basics: A Course on Our History and Legacy.” To foster the mentoring program, utilizing the knowledge and experiences of members To nurture a culture of goodwill at all levels of the organization. The Leadership Program supports Goal 3 of the strategic plan but is also relates to goal 2 and 4 of the Centennial Strategic Plan: Goal 2 creating a culture of goodwill. Goal 3 developing leadership at all levels, Goal 4 strengthening departments and units

3 What you can do? Learn about and promote participation Survey members
1/2/2019 What you can do? Learn about and promote participation Survey members Learning in manageable pieces Assist one another with computer skills Use the member data survey to identify members’ interest and skills, to identify strengths, work experience etc. to better match their interest with the programs in which your unit participates. It’s also a tool to identify members who do not attend your meetings, but may be available to volunteer for other activities. Incorporate leadership learning in your monthly meetings – conduct mini workshops on ALA Programs, Organizational Structure, The ALA foundation, National Scholarships, Four Chaplains, PUFL, information on these and other topics are available at Identify individuals willing to assist other with computer skills in order to communicate on internet and connect them with members who require assistance. You can also enhance your own skills see the Department Website under training and development.

4 1/2/2019 What you can do? Enhance your knowledge of the ALA history, programs and organization Take the ALA Senior Auxiliary Basic Course Initiate new members Attend a Mission Training /Junior Meetings Enhance your knowledge of the ALA history, programs and organization KNOW THE BASIC - Take the ALA Senior Auxiliary Basic Course Senior Auxiliary Basics Course and Instructions are available on the Department’s Website. under Chairman and committee’s Leadership Here's what each Senior member needs to do: Fill out Cover Sheet and Print out the Answer Sheet Use the Questions pages answering TRUE or FALSE and entering the answers on the Answer Sheet When you're finished with the course, the Cover Sheet and Answer Sheet to the Department Leadership Chairman. Wait for your Leadership Card to arrive. There is also a Junior Leadership Course. Initiate new members – offer the new member kit, include your constitution & bylaws and other information on unit traditions etc. Also consider providing this information to existing members as a refresher. Attend a Mission Training Session – reminder the Junior meeting has been incorporated. All are Saturdays and will run approximately from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm.

5 What you can do? Use the reference documents/materials
1/2/2019 What you can do? Use the reference documents/materials Hold workshops on the units Constitution & Bylaws, standing rules, finances and budgeting process Ask unit members to review national documents Receive a National President’s “Shout Out” Use the reference documents and materials Hold workshops on the units constitution & Bylaws, standing rules, Unit Finances, budgeting process and how to write unit meeting minutes. Show members what you do and why you do things in a certain way. Ask unit members to review national/department documents as a learning tool (Guidebook, Constitution Bylaws) Encourage them to submit questions – be prepared to discuss and answer any questions generated from the reviewed documents. You may also contact the Leadership Chairman for assistance in responding to those questions. National President “Shout Out” request a personal Facebook shout out to anyone who demonstrates an innovative leadership recruitment or development practice see the How to Sheet in the Leadership Plan of Action or Department Website under Chairman and Committee’s Leadership Chairman

6 What you can do? Mentoring
1/2/2019 What you can do? Mentoring Identify knowledge and experiences of members Encourage senior members to train/guide new members Encourage members to become expert Encourage members to apply for a chairman roles Mentoring Identify knowledge and experiences of members that have served beyond unit level, have professional work experience etc. that can be used to train members on topics of interest. The member survey is a helpful tool. Encourage positive senior members to train/guide new members. However, take care that senior members are utilizing current program information and not relying solely on their past experiences Encourage members to become experts so they can mentor other members. You can expand the number of mentors and possibility identify possible officers/chairmen. Encourage members to apply for unit and department chairmanships or national appointments

7 What you can do? Culture of Good Will
1/2/2019 What you can do? Culture of Good Will Be a Leader and set the positive tone It's everyone's job to create such a culture. Everyone wins when you have a Goodwill Culture Look for opportunities to show appreciation The environment should be fair and inclusive Are You Helping to Create a Goodwill Culture? Are you having a positive impact on those around you, are choosing to be an agent for change. Are you holding on to grudges over disagrees or worst personal conflicts? Are you holding on to information and not sharing it with the chairmen? Are you open in your communication? Do you have those crucial conversations? This failure is one of the reason given for our declining membership and lacking of participation?

8 Awards National Leadership Program Action Plan
1/2/2019 Awards National Leadership Program Action Plan Unit Leadership Training Award: Leadership chairman who best demonstrates innovative methods to help develop the leader within. Submit a narrative not to exceed 1,000 words, include pictures, number of attending, type of training, unit chairman contact information is required Entries must be submitted to the Department Chairman no later than May 29, 2017.

9 Reporting Department reports from units chairman
1/2/2019 Reporting Department reports from units chairman Mid year reports are due by December 19, 2016 Annual reports are due by May 8, 2017 National reports from department chairmen – these dates are subject to change! Mid year reports are due by January 5, 2017 Annual reports are due by May 15, 2017 As part of your narrative Include what topics were in your presentations How many members attend the training, did you require feedback concerning wat they learned, how training will improve their ability to lead and what trainings they would like to attend in the future. Did you hold training on nurturing a culture of goodwill? Did you implement the unit member/leader data survey? What were the responses.

10 Where do I Get More Information?
1/2/2019 Where do I Get More Information? American Legion Auxiliary National website ( Program Action Plans Unit Guide Book Robert’s Rules of Order National Constitution & Bylaws Basic Parliamentary Procedure How-to Sheets under Leadership Program

11 QUESTIONS Arnita Coleman Email Address:
1/2/2019 QUESTIONS Arnita Coleman Address:

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